I have been using Bambu Lab PLA Basic Jade White for printing lamp shade fixtures and they have been beautiful warm light transmissive and I’ve been very happy with it. So I bought two more spools recently, well I just ran a print last night where I inserted both spools into my AMS for auto-backup, and it switched over from one to the other and I had to double and triple and quadruple check I wasn’t crazy - but these whites look completely different.
I thought at first I must have mixed up Matte White or something, but the labels both say PLA Basic, I have the packaging for both still and they are both PLA Basic on a Spool (not refills) yet they are totally different. See photos.
The ‘base’ of this vase-mode print is the older PLA Basic - Jade White, it is very light transmissive (also great for Lithophanes and Hueforge) but the ‘tip’ of the print is in the newer spool of PLA Basic - Jade White and it is much more opaque.
Anyone else experienced this? Did the formula change? or did I just get a bad or mislabeled spool? I opened up a support ticket to see if I can get my latest two spools exchanged, they’re both very opaque like the Matte White.
One oddball thing is that their ‘PLA Basic’ stickers are not glossy, but matte textured like the stickers on the Matte spools I have - coincidence or telltale sign something went wrong at the factory?
I’ve seen a few people note this. So far it seems like it affects the black and white in the PLA basic line. @lildobber13 has a post up where this is discussed.
Update: Bambu Lab support is replacing my two newest spools, and they are looking into the serial #s from the packages to check with the factory on consistency. In the meantime, the closest match I’ve found (I bought a couple to try) is Sunlu PLA White (not plus, not meta, not rapid) it’s the closest to Bambu Lab PLA Basic Jade-White. It is slightly MORE translucent, but that’s actually perfect, I used it to print this project: Hexagon Pendant Lampshade Cover E26 & IKEA HAVSRIS by AeonJoey - MakerWorld