Been printing for a while on my P1S and noticed that it’s been a little inconsistent with the Z-offset it determines from ABL.
I have been able to get a perfect first layer across the entire bed, but I had to increase the Textured PEI Plate offset from -0.040 to -0.068 to get it to work every time. The lowest value it worked at was -0.060 so there seems to be a variance of ±0.008mm in accuracy; I’m told tap probes should be accurate to ±0.003mm though.
Recently got a smooth PEI sheet and noticed the effect is even more inconsistent.
See the two Benchies I printed one after the other, with ABL enabled for both prints. Using a thin layer gluestick to keep it adhered to the bed; this might be exacerbating the issue. You can ignore the patterns I drew on the bottom, it’s just an indication of a very slight change in the filament (same mix, different internal pattern), but the flow characteristics should be the same. Top Benchy is slightly too close to the bed, bottom Benchy slightly too far away.
Has anyone else been experiencing a similar thing?
Oh, and I’m printing with 0.12mm layer height. This issue doesn’t rear its face at 0.20mm layer height, it seems. I could overcome it by setting the first layer to be thicker, but that doesn’t help too much when I’m using a 0.2mm nozzle and printing at 0.06mm layer height, etc.