thank you for the reply. that was helpful. it seems that you are correct that this will match the prusa slicer setting although not quite as good as cura as one cannot do more that one line width (in other words cannot do more loops similar to walls).
for a 0.4mm nozzle what do you think is the safest widest width to do?
thanks. not just using it for silk pla but also regular pla and petg
I was curious about that myself. I created a short primitive cylinder (25mm dia, 12mm high), and found that any line width over 1.00 mm caused an immediate error:
At a width of .90, the model printed without a problem. The infill lines were just little oversize at 0.93 mm wide.
The infill still prints with single lines, instead of multiple lines as Cura apparently does.
It’s pretty easy to experiment with different values and see the Preview results after slicing.
thanks so much for your help.
it would be really great if they could add this feature like cura as the single line walls tend to break much more that the thicker ones. and is much weaker in strength. a thicker multi-line vs single thinner line even at the same infill amount is so much stronger. i find it surprising that very few other people have come across this.