Info required for p1s

can anybody tell me what temp sensor is for cabinet and where i can get one from please.

The P1P and P1S don’t have the temperature sensor, the MC board doesn’t have the capability. From what I’ve read, the X1C doesn’t use its sensor to turn on any active cooling anyway, only to display the temperature.

sorry i should have stated its for xtouch

It’s a DS18B20


Just a crazy idea, If someone have the xtouch on the P1S plus the temperature sensor, is it possible in some way to send the value to orca through the cloud ?
I mean of course now is not possible, but working on a proper code.
That can be really helpful so from the slicer you can adjust the exhaust fan to keep the temperature inside the chamber.

Correct, but the X1E uses the sensor for its chamber heating.