Interesting observation(s)

Browsing thru an output file from Orca Slicer, I noticed the following (unused it would appear, interesting in and of itself) entries:

; print_host =
; print_host_webui =

Web UI you say? Innnnnnteresting, and Print host? You mean possibly like… OctoPrint???

Also, for having what was it, like 57 health sensors I sure find my printer HAPPILY PRINTING AIR far too often…

Also also, anyone elses chamber camera quality go to dogshit once it gets nice and warm?

Happily been printing air for at least the last hour, and WTF is with the quality? If the camera on the hotend does the same thing no WONDER my 1st layer scan never wants to happen, by the time the 1st layer is done the camera has heated up (being RIGHT THERE with the hotend and all…) and if THAT is what it’s seeing by that point…

If you configure a Marlin or Klipper based printer in Orca Slicer, you can enter the URL of the Octoprint or Fluidd / Mainsail interface. Then Orca Slicer shows this page on the device tab. :slight_smile:

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Shows what page? Ohhh the octoprint/mainsail webUI, I see…

Also I was kinda talking about Bambu Labs’ printers, given y’know, thats the forum i’m in and all… Was hoping these entries might have been related (to BL printers) and not just something generic within orca slicer for any old printer, though you’ve already dashed those hopes.

Wait, so those entries won’t be in gcode from Bambu Studio, or…?

Old printers? BS or the fork OrcaSlicer are just forks of PrusaSlicer by Prusa Research, which is forked of Slic3r Alessandro Ranellucci and the RepRap community, so the output G-Code is all Marlin, expect for the proprietary Machine related G-Code for The Bambu Printer Firmware.
So its still the Industry standard.

The proprietary Machine based G-Code is being replaced by Orca Slicer with the selected Firmware / Manufacturer of the Machine.