Ironing type options differences explenation

Hello fellow 3D printer enthusiasts.
Can anyone explain me in depth what the difference is between the ironing types: ‘All top surfaces’, ‘Top surface only’ and ‘All solid layers’?. I cant find an explanation online on the differences. Thanks in advance!


All top surfaces = all visible top surfaces of the model. So when you are looking the sliced model from top view, all the flat surfaces you can see will be ironed

Top surfaces only = Only the top most surface will be ironed. So if you have a sign where the base plate is eg. 2mm high and there is raised text or symbols to 2.4mm then only the raised surfaces will be ironed.

All solid layers = Every solid layer will be ironed. Which means that if you have 3 solid bottom and top layers these solid layers will be ironed.


Hi Lunprinting.

Thank you for the answer! :slight_smile:

I would love to be able to “paint” the surfaces to be ironed! I’m printing molds… I need the horizontal surfaces inside the mold to be ironed, but I don’t give a toss about the top most surface.

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Do you know about the Modifier shapes and options in Studio? You can achieve what you want with that.

On the Bambulab slicer, the only Ironing options I have are No Ironing, Top Surfaces, Topmost Surface and All Solid Layers. Can’t find “All top surfaces” What am I doing wrong?

Select top surfaces, aldsjflksadjkfl