Is an XL size X1CC coming soon? Stumbled over a YT video

Yo mates,
Is there an XL size X1CC coming soon?
Stumbled over a YT video…


There is absolutely no sign in sight that an “X1L” is coming, that is just something that he made up out of thin air to get more views.


Maybe it was a typo? The title of his video shows “X1E” (like the trademark).


I’m pretty sure one of those, likely the X1S is the X1 patent. It was filed at the same time as the X1C. In the US we haven’t seen the X1 on sale (or if it was, it was not for very long).

The other patents are interesting though. But I don’t think it’s a stretch to believe they are working on a larger printer (likely a 300mm cubed). It’s been a widely spread rumor since the release of the X1C. If it is accurate, the release of the P1P and its patent application date were about 2 months apart. The P1S and X1E patents on the page, were filed on 3/2/23 and 5/22/23. Which suggests it isn’t very far off.

The bad news… I can’t find any of the patents on the ACTUAL site ( Not sure of the legitimacy of the site. So read into it at your own risk.


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Only thing we do know from the 1 year anniversary blog is they do have plans for some upgrades to current printers and they do have plans on newer models to come.

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Indeed. Here’s to hoping Bambu Lab keeps innovating/improving. Love their work so far!


The picture labeled “X1L” is clearly just a scaled-up picture of an X1C.

I heard BBL was working on an X1 “Jumbo” and I found this picture on the web… :slight_smile:

Really, it was like 30 seconds of work with Photoshop.


Yep! As you probably know, people are attracted to YouTube videos by thumbnails. It also helps them quickly understand what the video is about – before clicking through to it.

Photoshop aside, US trademarks cannot be faked.

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Sure they can. Easily. Unless what you mean to say was “cannot be faked without risking legal penalties” in which case it’s not quite as easy but it still happens. Companies are suing for infringement all the time. If it wasn’t happening, they wouldn’t need to sue… and it becomes particularly easy in some geographic regions because the laws protecting trademarks are not well enforced.

I dimly remember reading quite recently about a company that made a dog toy in the shape of a bottle of Jack Daniels (I think it was), with a “label” that was a riff on the trademarked artwork. They got sued and lost. But they’d been in production for a while before that came to pass.


Not sure where you’re heading with this, but the Bambu Lab trademarks are legit. Go check them out for yourself if you have any doubts.

Or are you just in this thread to be pedantic?


Any registered trademark is legit. That doesn’t keep people who don’t have the rights to use it from using it. Your statement was that they “cannot be faked” and that simply isn’t true. Nothing to do with “pedantic”, just accuracy. Trademarks get appropriated all the time for KIRF type devices. Trademarks get satirized all the time, and sometimes those satires are actually protected forms of free speech. Other times, like the example I mentioned above, they’re found to infringe enough it’s deemed illegal.

There is nothing that keeps someone from generating a video where they make some claim about some company doing some thing. They might use pictures of that company’s products or their logo. The fact that you see the company’s products and trademarks in the video means either that they had permission, or they just decided to use the artwork and see if they get sued, or get a takedown order.


Okay, I’ll bite. Can you show us a fake trademark documented at

You didn’t say “can you register a trademark that infringes on another already-registered trademark?” which is not the same thing as “faking a trademark”. So I’m totally confused by your logic. Seems non-sequitur. Discussion over, I guess.


I think he means potential red hearing applications. I think I saw it only cost $350 plus other fees, so it’s not unheard of.

That said… I think its legit. We may not get anything from the listings, but obviously, Bambu Lab is working on their next big thing.

Yep, that’s what the OP is attempting to share. This other off topic conversation is a bit tiring.

Well P1S just got announced from that trademark list. Doubt they will release an X1E soon though if it requires reengineering with a bigger build volume/sturdier frame etc. Bambu need to kill off the competition from the cheaper clones first that keeps popping up.

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You can’t look at trademarks to see what is actually coming down the pipeline. Companies get trademarks to cover themselves all the time and to prevent, say Creality, to make a competing product with a very similar name to confuse customers.That being said, you can see that there actually is a P1S on the bambu website!

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Could be a taller printer which would be easier to make from the current basis.

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