Is my nozzle the issue?

So Iv been having rubbish first layers and nothing seems to be resolving it.
My flows correct, k value, bed scrubbed, brand new smooth plate washed but nothing seems to resolving wavey first layer lines.

Iv reset all my profiles, recalibrated and Im still getting the issue! Tightened up all screws even behind the nozzle, ran a full printer calibration… still wavey.
Filament dried, clueless.

Nozzle is 4months old with an average of 2hours a day printing, can’t be dead already can it?

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Do you have same problem with the Textured PEI plate?

Sadly so, it started doing yesterday out of the blue.
Pretty frustrated to be honest as tried everything so far, my bed is level also as I tested with a ruler and a light.

might be if you use wood PLA/glow PLA, etc. Anyhow, just try a 0.4 hs (hardened steel)

Not used anything like that, I only use PLA+

Whats annoying me is after first layer it looks ok.

What have you changed lately?

Just filament, did the usual calibration on it as normal, k value as usual and then out of nowhere this happened. I thought I could have changed something so I went back to stock and the issue remains.

So if it “fixes” itself after the first layer, what’s the problem?

Perhaps you’re trying to solve a problem that isn’t a problem?

Those look like nice finished parts.

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If you switch filament to a different color and/or brand, do you get the same results?

I had the same problem, and neither the tips nor the wiki helped. I discovered the issue purely by accident. I received a replacement heat bed for the hotend from Bambulab because of a different problem, but I hadn’t installed it for a long time. When I disassembled the entire extruder because of the issue, I took the opportunity to replace the heat bed as well. After installing the hotend heat bed, I noticed that the clip holding the hotend in place was much tighter than with my old heat bed. I almost had to force the hotend back into place. Since then, the problem has disappeared, and I’m getting a perfectly clean first layer again.

Just done a full hotend strip down and retightened everything again.
When putting back together I spotted rail oil inside my silicone sock and behind the heating element, given it a good wash and changed the sock.

Doing a full bed level now and will try again.

then its fine. my first layers look subpar too, but it turns out fine. as long as the surface touching the bed looks ok its fine. no matter what there will be minimal blemishes

Hotend cleaned, no more oil present, full bed level, cold pulled nozzle and washed also to make sure no oil present, seems much better now.

Opened a ticket, its still doing it after full calibration, bed level, bed tramming, resetting to stock.

Not a happy bunny, 4months and failing… not good.

Solved with bed tram again, this time adjusted bed belts and seems to have resolved it.
Thanks for everyones input.

Update: Bambu have sent me a new nozzle as the issue came back, turned out the nozzle is slightly loose due to been pushed into the bed when nozzle height was off.