Is this cheating?

Huh, I didn’t know that and it looks like neither did others…

I wanted to do a separate post to seek out guideline clarification since I’d rather not force users to rate all plates if I do next set (and I was planning to do things that wouldn’t be even a set but a variation), but I had a look at Print Profile Upload Guidelines and here are relevant parts:


4. Separate versions on the different plate (not mandatory)

If your models have variants, place each variant on a separate plate and name them accordingly. This allows users to conveniently select the desired version.


8. Splitting a model into multiple print profiles for uploading

If a model has multiple parts, putting them into a single print profile can prevent users from overlooking any parts during printing. Additionally, it helps maintain a cleaner and more organized model page.

A permitted exception is if a component of your model has multiple variants; you may upload the variant as a separate print profile, although it is recommended to uploaded variants as separate plates in a print profile and name the plates accordingly.

So from what I understand and given the language here it looks like:

  • a multi-part model should have all it’s parts in a single profile, so that nothing gets lost.
  • If there are variations available, those can be uploaded as separate print profile. It is allowed but not recommended.

So say for example if you have a model of a clock, all basic components should be within a single profile, however you can create separate profile for different clock hands, different clock faces and so on. You actually don’t need to include duplicate parts since Bambu Handy allows choosing which objects to print from any of the given plates (and so does Bambu Studio, dunno if you can choose what to print form printer’s touchscreen). That seems to cover all bases: be within guidelines AND allow individual pieces have rating.

So to apply that to other mentioned uploads:

  • The poker chips noted by @michelem - those are indeed against rules since that’s a set. Those should be same model and could be either multiple profiles or single profile with multiple plates.
  • The barbie keychain mentioned by @TJB - those are OK - it’s a single model with different profiles and users are only interested in their own name. The problem for them is that print profile should have a real photo and I’m not sure whether the creator be willing to print 200+ keychains :wink: