Is this normal?

Hi, due to my problems with the service the service say there is “no noise” the fan runs only at low speed. Please tell me - is this normal, how sound your aux fan ? I think they like to send me away without replacement…

The same for the bed - is this the normal quality ?

Here as an example the bed of my cheap ender 3v2…

I dont own a Bambu printer yet, but this fan sounds pretty normal for me.

The background noise is much louder.

How big is the gap between your ruler and the bed?

If you just post a picture its hard to guess how big this gap is.

In addition your picture of your Ender is at a different angle and therefore its hard to compare these two beds, visually.

It is round about 1mm. The ender has an flat bet no dull. The fan runs at low speed. When you turn it higher grinding noises come on top.

Have you tried a feeler gauge in the gap. I ask because I had what looked to me like a massive gap on my Ender bed - I guessed it at about 2mm but when I measured it, it was actually 0.2mm! It seems that light coming through a gap can be deceptive. Apologies if you already did that.

As for the fan, I’m not sure what I am listening for. Fans are inherently noisy but as long as there is no mechanical grinding/rubbing noises you should be good. Does it change speed when you use the printer (or Bambu Studio) control panel to change the speed?

I dont have an gauge for this - and i wont buy one… my ender 3 for 200 euro hasnt this gap so an printer for 1600 euro shouldnt has this too… ther should for the bambu service this picture be enough :frowning: but i think they wont send me one. Well at least i use my german waranty rights and take my money back - at least they have an german company so this is possible. I hate it i have to do this… but it seems they only accept this way… really sad… I didnt thought the support is bad like this :-((( i even cant buy one to get an flat bed… so i have no way when they want send mw one, i cant buy one - so basically i have an 1600 euro printer with 3 ams here only be able to print small parts und no way for me to fix this lol… The fan gets much louder and the rattling noise gets worse when i speed it up.

The pictures of your beds are not comparable. Light can leak through very small gaps, and the Ender photo does not even have a light behind the rule.

Submit a ticket to customer support about the problem, providing them with a recent print log. Their “engineers” can use the automatic levelling compensation data in the log to determine how badly the bed is warped. Support will probably suggest a manual leveling (which will not help a curved bed), so you might as well do that first. They have sent replacements to many of us.

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Yes they asked for it. I did it already before. And rhe logfile they have too. The only answer was the need more … i dont have anything more. So it is ging the same way like the transportation loss. Into nowhere.

FWIW, my Ender 5 does have a similar gap. A feeler gauge is something almost everyone who uses their hands to make stuff, uses tools, etc has lying around and costs two or three Euro/Pounds/Dollars (I have at least 3 :wink: ). But anyway, your choice, of course - I know they are annoying and frustrating.

Did the video you sent them show the increased noise - the one you posted on youtube did not seem to change tone much, if at all, but it was difficult to distinguish what was fan noise and what was background noise - tho some of that may be due to youtube’s poor video compression… Either way, whichever you decide, good luck with it!

I send three videos. But all running same speed… but it is not only me, my gilrfriend says the printer gets loud rhese days too. Well we will see…