Is this Stringing?

I’m not sure what you mean by that unless your referring to the line tool which is like using a sledge hammer to fix a squeaky hinge. :wink:Not very accurate. There is no calibration utility worth anything in Bambu Studio, for that you will want Orca Slicer which is a Bambu Studio clone that offers baked-in calibration tools. Calibration · SoftFever/OrcaSlicer Wiki · GitHub You can safely run both slicers on your machine, you don’t have to choose but I will promise you, as you gain more experience, you’ll find that the calibration tools are only the beginning of the quality of life enhancements that Orca delivers on. It can be downloaded here.

However, having said that, your issue as others have already pointed out is classic symptom of wet filament. I know you said you took it right out of the box and I bet you thought you were buying a product that when through thorough quality control, didn’t you? Well… welcome to the club of those who have been burned many times before with “fresh” filament that had an overabundance of moisture. :wink:

Before you dry the filament though, you will want to weigh it. If you are new to this then one tool you will want in your tool bag is a cheap kitchen scale if you don’t already have one. They can be had for between $7-15 on Amazon. Don’t overpay, you’re not looking for accuracy, you’re only need measurement sufficient to show weight reduction. Any scale of resolution of 0.1g is good enough.

Why is weighing so important? If I had a dollar for every time someone said, “I dried my filament…” :yum: The only way to ensure that moisture was present and has now been removed is by weighing it. How do you know if you’ve removed enough moisture? Generally, the drying guidelines on the Bambu filament cheat sheet are a good guide. PLA normally doesn’t need drying—until it does. The easiest way to know when your filament has lost all moisture is when, after a few hours, it stops losing weight. That’s when you know you’ve removed enough moisture.

Here’s a post on that topic of drying times.

BTW: There are so many posts here on what filament drying to purchase. But before you spend unnecessary money, take a look at this YouTube video and save yourself some money until you know what you really want. Among filament dryers, there’s way too much BS, Hype and just generally bad products out there. How do you know when it’s bad? That’s easy, the more it costs and the more the person in the review video says “this is the best”, the more you should call BS. :rofl:

You already own a free filament dryer even if you don’t realize it.