Hi everyone,
I’ve been running into a lot of problems trying to chop up a model into multiple parts for ease of print, and using connectors to ensure an accurate post-print recombination.
I am unable to use the cut tool because the plane of the cut bisects not only the part of the model I wish to cut, but other parts that loop around and through the plane of the cut, and would leave a cut part with non-contiguous sections.
Another user suggested using a thin primitive shape to create a gap in the model through the ‘difference’ option in the union tool. I suspect that this type of cut would not allow for automatic connector placement.
However, it is impossible for me to try in my current state because once I have created a cut with connectors the assemble option on right-click does not appear.
I wonder if that has something to do with the section of the model post-cut that had the connectors attached not appearing as an assembly even though it seems to be (I was able to detach the connectors by right-clicking and splitting).
Thank you for any insight.