Issue infill

I have a problem when printing a part on a P1S with Bambu PLA Matte White filament.

I am printing at 0.08mm Extra Fine with a “Support Cubic” infill at 15%. I have also tried with “Cross Hatch” and had the same problem.

The lower part seems fine, and the exterior walls have no visible defects.
I haven’t changed the default speeds.
If you have any suggestions, I would appreciate it.

Thanks in advance,

Try bumping up the hotend temp by 5-10C or set the printer to silent mode while printing this. (Maybe both)

It looks like your filament is wet, consider drying it for a few hours.

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Thanks for the answer.
What does the silent mode do (on what does it affect the print itself) ?

If I’m being honest I don’t completely know, I think it has to do with the flow rate not able to keep up with the very small layer height and the speed of printing cubic infill, but I have fixed this problem before by hotter and slower (granted it was with PETG basic). Honestly from your picture this object looks pretty big and I would just recommend printing at a larger layer height like .16 before you try fixing problems with .08 (unless you need to print at .08)

Edit. Just realized your question could be about what silent mode does itself and not to to the print, it decreases print speed to 50%

Yes the piece is big 220mm200mm160mm heigh. It was printing very good at 1/4 this size.
I will check quality results at high layer high but it is a piece that need lot of small details on outside wall to be visualised by people in “museum”.

I’m currently drying the PLA (to be sure).

Silent mode reduces “ALL” print movements by 50%. You can achieve a more granular adjustment of movement speeds under the speed tab but silent mode is only available under the device menu and only after the print has commenced. It can be tricky but it is the easiest way to slow down movements with one button.

What’s clumsy about it is that you will likely click the silent button thinking you have just put it into silent mode. However, I’ve found that this is iffy at best. One has to be patient and wait till the bed heating cycle is complete and watch for the setting to take affect. It is not unusual to have to press the button multiple times.

Only when it actually shows 50% do you have confirmation. This is most annoying I will admit but if you know about it ahead of time, it can be overcome.

And of course as mentioned, speed under the global tab allows you to manipulate even further but require much more work. However, you can save it as a printer profile for future use.


Using speed as a diagnostic tool will help, your problem is clearly a filament problem. Matte filament in general is awful and Bambu has been my worst experience. Although the filament guide tells you that drying is optional, my experience has been the opposite. You’re symptoms are consistent with too much moisture. So try the speed option first but you should also weigh your filament, dry it and weight it again. Then print a first layer test. This is the only way to be assured that moisture was indeed the issue.

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Merci pour vos réponses.

L’impression à fonctionné. Toutefois, je n’ai pas d’explications claires.
J’ai séché le filament (mais pas pesé, je prendrai cette technique la prochaine fois car j’avais déjà commencé le séchage avant la première réponse).

J’ai d’abord commencé l’impression à 100%. La qualité était réellement meilleures (mais j’avais aussi diminué les paramètres de vitesse à 200mm/s.
Toutefois, j’avais encore quelques défaut.
Mon impression est que la tête tape légèrement dans le parois intérieurs lors des déplacements. J’avais quelques bruits que j’interpréter comme cela.

Après 1 cm d’impression (en épaisseur), j’ai diminué la vitesse à 50%. La qualité (intérieur) c’est amélioré et l’impression c’est bien fini.

Je vais continuer à étudier le problème.

En tout cas, merci pour vos super réponses et pour m’avoir débloqué.

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