Relative newby here - I have an X1E so I’m not sure if am supposed to post that in the X1C or X1 forum - i’m guessing my issue isn’t related to that model.
I was originally getting pretty good quality prints but lately my prints are showing lots of distortion between layers. Materials is ABS.
I’m at a bit of a loss on where to start for debugging this. Any suggestions would be greatly welcome.
Here is what a print looked like originally (good)
Filament moisture level
How are you drying your filament and how are you keeping it dry?
Part warping / Adhesion issues
Is the part staying flat on the bed. If the edges of the part warp off the bed it will cause issues as the filimanet being extruded has nowhere to go and will cause top surface and wall issues.
Well the X and P series printers do have a provision to dry filament.
Ideally you shouldn’t be using your printer to dry filament. A stand alone drier is suggested. There are a plethora of option out there anywhere from a converted food dehydrator to purpose built filament drier.