It would be nice to have an iPad version of Bambu Handy

I use my iPad a lot, and it would be nice if the Bambu Handy app had a version for iPad. The current iOS version is optimized for the iPhone using the vertical orientation. So, whenever I want to use the Bambu Handy app on my iPad I need to turn the iPad vertically. Most of the time I’m using my iPad Pro in the horizontal position, and it makes using the Bambu Handy very cumbersome.



Isn’t there an orientation lock with iOS that you have to turn off? Mine does

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A couple of size class changes, etc and the iPad would be viable. Some testing would be needed.

Alpha/Beta user here and ready!!

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oh and once that is done how about M-class processor version on the Mac Please…!!!

Just let the iPad version turn on MacOS…

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Orientation lock is not on and app will not rotate to a landscape orientation.


I came here looking to see if someone had posted about this. Yes please make a dedicated iPad app that would have the capability of a landscape orientation.

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+1 on having an iPad app or a version of the iPhone app that can rotate to match the orientation of the iPad. The app on the iPad is usable to me since I have a keyboard attached to my iPad and it is always in the portrait orientation.

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I would love to see this as well.

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+1 on this request - I use my iPad in landscape 99% of the time (the 1% being when I open Bambu Handy to check on a print).

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this + a slicer for the ipad!!! i work alot with shapr and nomadsculpt… this would save me a ton of back and forth… goes on my nerves real hard saving the model to the cloud first then download it to pc to slice it

Any update here? Still waiting for bambu studio for iPad