K numbers instead of filament names help needed

HI all,

Just updated my version of bamabu studio and name my filament names have been replaced with K numbers. Have rebooted the laptop and powered the printers off and on.

Is there a solution for this?


Screenshot 2024-11-19 at 16.00.04

I thinks you downloaded the wrong slicer :laughing: Bamabu usually does that. have you tried the original Bambu Studio?
Joke aside, are you using Generic profiles or Bambu originals? K numbers are the default Pressure Advance values for filaments of Flow Dynamics.
and… do you need them so say something else?!

thanks for coming back. This is what the previous version of studio showed. You can see the difference. Does anyone know how to get the current version to show the same information? I am using Bambu profiles and filament.
