Kept printing after cover and sock fell off

So I had an overnight print fail because the chute was clogged - the poop didn’t fall down. This eventually caused the hotend cover and the sock to fall off… however the P1P kept printing. Shouldn’t it stop? Was this disabled in the new firmware?

If it was X1, it likely would stop if spaghetti detection was enabled but not P1P. As long as filament goes through extruder unimpeded, printer has no way to know there is an issue. FDM printing by itself is a pretty dumb process with no feedback about an actual result.

It’s a P1P… regardless though, it should have paused as soon as the cover fell off. This is supposed to happen on either the X1 or P1P.

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I’ve had my hot end cover come off and it paused the print, but it’s been awhile. Maybe something did change in the firmware.

I read about a similar case, that was because one of the magnets had come lose and bc Murphy’s law it was the very magnet that would have triggered the sensor.