Knock off + burning marks

Hi, I am having my A1 since two weeks. The first prints were fantastic. SInce a few days it is not possible to finish a succesfull print any more. They are all knocked off. I tried cleaning the bed, different speeds, different spools, different materials, different files, spraying glue to the bed, calibrating.
Some how I have the imprssion it all happens at more or less the same height.
Also the burning marks are worrying me a bit.
Does this sound familiar to some one? Any Tips?

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Scrub the plate thoroughly. Residue builds up q
In the valleys of the textured plate and can be tricky to remove.
Also, dry your filament. Fiddling with the settings will not help if the filament is moist.
Then, go back to the default temps and flush the nuzzle a few times to clean. In a worst case, google “Cold pull Bambu A1” and follow the wiki’s instructions. While you are at it, check that all print head screws are tight.
Then cut of potentially abraded filament ends and try again with default settings. Preferrably a 0.2mm thick, full area cube primitive to check your build plate.


Thanks for your advice. Just printed a simple cube and it works fine. I will do some more testing on different geometries.

If it happens at the same height, you might want to consider problems with the Z axis. It probably got too low in that layer and bumped the thing off. I would test different heights of objects and try to capture the moment the issue occurs. Good luck!

This mark may be made by the nozzle. It seems like the Z axis has some problems.

more bed temp mate
and use smooth pei plate and glue