Label Objects

I’m currently testing the Slicer and extremely miss a feature that is in SS and PS.

Label Objects

This is needed to have Chancel Objects in Octoprint or exclude_object in Klipper working and both are killer tools in a production. Full build plate of 100 parts. 1 is having print issues - just exclude it.
If that is something you will bring in your Printer Firmware - maybe. But please add the feature into the slicer.


You can deselect the object. I think this should work for you.

Label Objects is that in the G-Code every Object that is printed gets a name.

; printing object V0_Extrusion_Drilling_Guide_x1.STL id:10 copy 0
G1 E-.75 F3000
G1 Z.65 F18000
G1 X73.643 Y182.145
G1 Z.25
G1 E.75 F1800
M204 S1000

By that commented Code, OctoPrint as well Klipper can name objects on the buildplate.
Exclude Objects | Mainsail


Any news? this feature is avaliable in prusaslicer, why it is missing?

we need exclude object!

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This would be a fine solution if it would work during print. But for the sake of simplicity, it would be great to include a list of the objects on the device page, where you can deselect any of them during print. There would be room under the Spool/AMS information window, next to the progressbar.

I also would like to have this feature. This is the only thing why I’m thinking about moving to Orca in future…