Lamp auto turn on/off

Today AFAIK, it is only possible to turn the lamp on/off from BambuStudio or on X1C touch screen manually. A useful feature would be a configuration to turn it on at the beginning of a print and turn it off when the printing is done.



Agreed. I think it would be best to have this as a setting, like “Enable auto light when printing”, since some people might want to only control the light manually, and would be annoyed if the printer turned it off by itself.

It would also be nice if there was an adjustable timeout for turning it off after a print was finished. You might want to let it stay on for a time period, and then turn off.


The way my lamp works is if it is off when I start a print on my x1c then after it does calibration then it turns on the lamp and when the print finishes after it moves the bed down then last thing it does is turns the lamp back off.

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It behaves that way, if you have set the light to off and select to have a timelapse recording enabled.
To ensure proper lighting for the timelapse the lamp will be set to on during the print and shut off after the print.

It really should just go to sleep after 30 minutes or an hour, or something.

You might want the light on to retrieve your part, but a delay sleep mode would make the whole thing seamless.

IMO, the logo light (and AMS loaded lights) should go off after an hour of idle time too. Make it 2 hours… 3 hours… whatever… but it really doesn’t need to be on constantly.


I think it would be even better if the lamp turned on when the door is opened or when printing. There is a door switch, unsure if it’s even used?

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@FatalFallacy : Thats not the case with mine in Mar24 with current FW, which has the X1-C doing exactly as timlindz described (above), without the timelapse feature enabled at all - which I reeeally dislike, if I want light I will turn it ON, otherwise it just attracts even more huntsman spiders/moths/etc. to my glowing ‘open’ cabinet during overnight (low-temp filament) prints in the summer months.


The light attracts flying insects when printing PLA overnight with the door open. A timeout to turn this off for those who would like to, would be a useful feature.


Still waiting for this to be added, if i wanna see the print i will enable the light myself i don’t do timelapses.

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As mentioned above, I turn off the light when the the printer is idle. It stays off until pre-print calibration completes and then turns on to allow Auto-record Monitoring or timelapse recording. The light turns off when the print is complete. Turn off timelapse and Auto-record with the Device tab>Camera Options and I think the light will stay off during a print. You’ll need to turn it on for remote monitoring with Studio or Handy.

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What would be really nice, is if you could control the lamp from the bambu handy app. Because maybe I’m not doing a Timelapse but it’s to dark to view the camera from the app, there is no way to change that unless you have you laptop handy or you text your roommate to touch a button on your printer.

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Open Handy to “Devices”, tap “Printer”

Slide Temperature/Axis control panel up

Tap “Light”


Hi There. I’m late to this party - I know. But I just got my X1C three days ago.

Here’s my two cents on the light suggestion. One of the FIRST thing I looked for was a way to have the light auto turn off after a compete printing… That led me here.

My suggestion is to have multiple light mode options:

  1. Light Manual (default behavior)
  2. Full Auto (auto on when printing starts and auto off after completion - with custom timer)
  3. Auto On (turn on when printing, stays on after completion)
  4. Auto Off (turn off after print completion if turn was on when it started)

Also, I would be highly useful to add an extra option to “Blink on Error”.

I know we have the Handy app with notifications and the Touch Screen display but still – just in case we had the phone on silent or just set it down and forgot – the flashing light would be visible from across the room when the wife or one of the kids say “why is that thing flashing?”



An additional auto mode request:

  1. When live video is viewed through Studio or Handy, the Lamp is turned on automatically. When live video is stopped, the Lamp is turned off automatically.

Live video isn’t very useful without lighting.

I also find the placement of the Lamp button in Handy to be awkward, with it requiring multiple commands to reach instead of having a manual button next to the live video controls. I understand why it’s clustered with other printer controls, but a duplicate Lamp button located with the Play button (or auto-on with live video mode) would be logical.

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Still waiting for auto light

Turn the light off before starting a print. The printer will then only turn it on for time-lapse (if enabled) and if it does turn it on, it will turn it off when the print completes

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