'Late Night' start GCode...?

Disclosure: less than a week into this Bambu adventure… formerly a heavily modded Ender3 with Noctura and BTT SKR E3 mini).

Looking for “anything” to quiet the startup routine (mainly the insanely loud bed vibration thing… is that really required every time?!)

My wife goes to bed a good hour before I do, and I often use the time to work on some 3D designs. On the Ender, no issues, the thing was so heavily modded it was quiet enough I could hear the end-stops click.

I already have plans to do the Noctura chamber fan mod… but I need the startup routine a lot quieter for late-night prints.

Yo Bambu devs… can we have a “night mode” :smiley:

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;===== Start Delay in Seconds ========================
G4 S14400
; Waits 4 hours before start printing

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I would also be interested in this.

I’ve been unsuccessful in a few attempts at modifying the machine start gcode to get rid of the vibration test.

My printer is attached to a desk which is attached to a wall which is attached to timber studs, and the entire graph of everything connected to that structure in my house vibrate violently when the machine starts.

I had to put little rubber pads on my wall-hung picture frames cuz they would rattle. Two rooms away.

That is… not a solution :stuck_out_tongue:

I checked with the missus, so far, she says the noise doesn’t bother her… so I’m “safe” (plus I’m mostly printing models for her right now, so I have “spousal credits” building up :D)

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I have never tryed it but…turn of bedleveling only on late night prints?
Do know if that also skips the vibration test

Nope it still vibrates.

Fyi you only need to do bed-leveling if you have issues… It’ll retain the mesh settings and re-use them for every print