I discovered this after a filament runout trigger. I was able to resume but xy axis shifted. The issue persists after calibrations and tension adjustments. I tried manual pause and resume same results (as shown in the attached photo). There are no motor cover mods installed inside my printer just the nozzle cleaner and the glass cover riser.
Upon further investigation it seems that the start of the print is not in the right position. I observed upon first pause then resume that it shifted then i paused and resumed again and this time it is in the correct position of the first resume position. Did another pause and it continued on the now correct position. So i assume there is something in the start-up gcode that is causing issues for the first layer xy position. Any suggestions on a fix?
I’ve tried a minimal machine start g-code with less prep steps and the outcome was still the same. Could this be a firmware issue? Can anyone test on your X1C printers and share results? I’m currently running Version (20240812).
Today I tried the manual load and unload then resume. It got worst. Anyone have other troubleshooting ideas i can try? Apart from buying an AMS.
It has been a while since I’ve made an unplanned pause. I used to make planned pauses to change colors (no AMS) or add magnets. Instead of a simple pause I inserted “custom g-code” which was just a pause plus a Home command. That prevented a layer shift.
M400 U1 ;pause
G28 X ;home
If you have the X!C did you turn off and of the AI stuff/settings? I leave all AI settings turned on so it will scan the first layer, and the like.
Oh also just make sure you didn’t do what I did on one of my prints is forgetting to check/change what type filament is In my AMS slots. I printed Generic PETG with PLA setting. Did not clog my nozzle or anything but I did get a failed print.
Thanks! I’ll try this. If coming from a manual pause or filament runout trigger, would you recommend I press home first before resuming print?
Don’t do that from the display. Pressing Home on the display homes the print head in x, y, AND Z, which is a problem with a model on the bed. G28 X only homes the x and y axis.