So after putting down the first layer the printer paused saying there were defects when the layer was absolutely fine (the only thing I can think was it thought a deliberate hole I have in the base was an error) I hit resume print and walked away. 5 hours layer I was left with this…
More wasted filament but hey ho. I went to print it again today only I watched over it this time. Again it said there was a problem with the first layer when it was perfect and again after I resumed it shifted over to the right by roughly 2mm, which would’ve again resulted in a wasted print.
After stopping, clearing the bed and restarting the print with first layer analysis turned off everything is printing fine currently.
Just thought I’d report this incase it happened to anyone else
It’s not a fix but you might consider turning off the first layer inspect for this part. It would be really nice if the canned cycle included homing the machine after the pause.
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Hi Jon, yes I did do that
Also, is this a known thing as it’s never happened to me before on a pause?
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It seems to happen more when people have “mods” installed like PTFE guide tubes or stepper covers and such. But it also seems to occasionally happen on stock machines too. I’m not sure if perhaps there is step loss from wiping. Here’s a related thread I did some testing in.
Hmm so does that mean it could also affect the print in the resume from power cut feature? (not that it’s happened to me yet) I think you’re right though it has something to do with the wipe as it does that before it resumes.I honestly might just keep that first layer analysis switched off anyway and just monitor it manually. Speeds up print too.
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Okay another 5 hours wasted. This time (with exactly the same settings as previous print which did the top layer perfect) this happened? Man I am so done with these printers by now smh
Any ideas?