Layer shifting after color change

OK, so I found out what it was and where it came from.

3 weeks ago I printed these dust covers for the X-Y motors:
(they have since been taken down for very good reasons, but I had bookmarked them…)

After reading this post , I realized that the P1S was homing without end-stop switches (even my old Ender 3V2 had some!)… And the covers where basically creating an offset when pausing in the back left corner.

So if you ever find a shift, it is probably because your machine loses its reference. So either you have to add a homing action of X-Y after every time it goes to the back left corner or find out what is creating the shift.

It still doesn’t explain why my plate was scratched, but now I understand how critical it is for the motors to move freely, without missing steps.

Thanks to everyone.