I need some help with a strange issue on my A1 printer. For the past few weeks, Ive noticed a slight layer shift occurring consistently at around 23.5 cm in height. This happens across different models and with both Bambu Studio and Orca Slicer, so it’s not software-specific. Could this be due to wear on the Z rods? My printer has over 3,000 hours of use. What other potential causes should I consider? Ive attached photos of the layer shift for reference.
Have you tried cleaning and relubricating your z screw?
Is that vase mode or normal?
Yes, Z rods were cleaned and lubed, tried it twice actually.
This is normal print, not a vase mode
I do have the same issue at exactly 23.5 cm
The issue appeared not just on cone-shaped objects but also on cylinders. I thoroughly cleaned and lubricated the Z rods again (twice, actually) and the problem seems to be gone. Looks like dirt was the culprit.
By the way, a few days ago, I started hearing a loud squeaking from the Z rods despite proper lubrication. I reported it to Bambu Lab, and they offered to replace the frame with the Z axis for free, a really nice surprise!