Ledge failure

There are 2 ledges, 1 at the bottom, the other at the top. Printing only works well on which ever is on the bottom (I tried to print as designed, then flipped it 180 to reverse the ledges.

I’m usng PETG. And I tried multiple times.

Looks like I need to scrap the top ledge? I don’t wish to but I guess I have no choice?


It would help if you designed chamfers on those ledges. Are you printing supports?

Just a guess: low temperature. Fan speed?

Yes, there are supports. The temperature is steady at 249 C and bed at 70 C.

Have you tried PLA as a support interface and setting the z gap to 0?

There are several videos on YouTube showing how.

Yeah, will try PLA. Isn’t z-offset only for the first layer?

IMHO, Z gap should apply for another layers too. For example, between the topmost layer of a support and the lowest layer of the bottom wall above that support.

Are you suggesting another Z axis process for higher levels, or just more reason to do the standard Z proced?

It’s actually called top z distance in studio.

I always prefer a chamfer over supports if possible. Is that an option on your model?

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Don’t know. Will look into it. Thanks.