Lengthen PTFE Tube?

I am not able to place my AMS on top of my P1S. It will be a few feet away on the same table as the printer. How do I lengthen the PTFE tube to get from the AMS to the Buffer? Should I replace the PTFE tube all of the way into the AMS with a longer tube, or should I just add a length of PTFE tubing onto the end of the existing PTFE tube that comes out of the AMS?

I tried to replace the AMS to X1 tube early on with a longer PTFE. Turned out that the friction in the tube ramped up significantly so that the filament could no longer be fed all the way to the print head.
You may get a few additional cm out of a tube replacement, but from that prior experience, I doubt you’ll get an extra foot.

Also, keep in mind that a longer path will significantly lengthen the filament change time. To keep that low, you want to shorten the path as much as possible. I have my 2 AMS sitting to the left of the printer at an angle with the hub “floating” in the air to really minimize filament travel paths.

:crossed_fingers: & :four_leaf_clover:

Yes you can use a longer Bowden tube but the longer it gets the more friction will be created which in turn increases the risk of feeding issues. Avoid tight bends and S-curves along the way. Avoid stiching bowden tubes together, use single continuous tube whenever possible.