Let's give this another shot!

Every designer probably knows this: You are developing something and while doing that you imagine this design to take off and be the next best thing in the trending lists for ever!!!

You develop it, test print it, make a print profile… Photo shoot… Upload it, create a text etc etc… And then: LAUNCH!!!


Nothing happens…

Might be bad timing, photos not good enough, extreme competition…

Whatever the reason might be, you thought it deserved more…

For those exact models this topic was created… A second chance for shameless self promotion of your special project!!!

Drop your special project model down in the comments (so no fidget spinners or coastes please). Explain what is it and be sure to add a link to the model on Makerworld!



I will go first…

I designed this not so long ago. I was looking at a banana and noticed ik kinda looked like a boomerang… I thought it would just be the funniest thing if I could make a banana shaped boomerang. Well that idea stuck in my head and I just had to run with it.

Took me a while to get Fusion360 to make what I wanted. Even had a topic on here for that. Finally got ChatGPT to help me out so I could design it like I wanted…

Walked to the field numerous times with Bananarangs that did not work. Looking like a fool, but hey, if it worked it would be so cool right???

After a few iterations and shamefull trips to the field I finally got it to work properly!!! Jay!!!

So I uploaded it to Makerworld and maybe because of bad timing (it being winter in the Northern Hemisphere and all) or maybe I was the only one that thought this was funny… But so far… Not too much is hapening.

It had 4 downloads and 0 prints! Not quite wat I was expecting…

So here it is… I think this deserves a 2nd chance in the spotlight! What do you think?


I truly thought this would do well, it didn’t.

Any easy game of match for 2 players in a hexagon shape (hexagons are the bestagons).

The kids I tested it on couldn’t stop playing and learned offensive and defensive techniques of play.


I don’t expect anything to do well, but I really liked this puzzlebox. It’s the standard “get it out” slide puzzle but the last piece is the key to open the box!

And when the puzzle is out you can load it in a lot of different ways from easy to hard, close the lid and it is locked again until you solve the puzzle:

(and yes, you can bypass the lock if needed if the puzzle is too much of a challenge)


I really love the idea of a second-chance spotlight, @Chris1974!

Looking back at most of my older designs is a bit tough—as they don’t feel worthy of revisiting. However, there’s one design I’m proud of that also has almost zero downloads. It’s for a very niche group of people: those with both a flashy Bambu printer and an old minivan!

This came together in the middle of the night, a quick design that required only a few prototypes, which is not how my designs usually go!


I remember when you released this visually appealing design. There was one rule I didn’t quite understand, “Three failed matches - the game ends”. If player A gets into this state, wouldn’t player B also be in this state? I suppose a workaround would be to only print n-1 colored sets, where n is the number of columns. I plan giving this print a second chance by printing it as a xmas gift for the family!

Three failed matches of both players.

It is possible to get into a situation where one player could purposely avoid moving a tile that would give the other player a match.

That rule (which could be ignored) was meant to stop stalemates. It could force a player to reveal a tile and they could go on to get matches afterwards themselves.

The teenagers I used to test the game started to explore the strategy element.

This was built into the game to create offensive and defensive techniques.

There are 7 x colours, there are built-in odd numbers in the gameplay.

I am concerned about the strategy element being missed with the bright colours of the game pieces.

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This is a great idea and turns our attention away from some of the main topics we have been seeing all around :heart:

Oh, speaking of… :upside_down_face:, my “Not Generated Tray” did not have much traction and it serves many purposes. My wife has 1 in the kitchen with all her vitamin pills and suplements and another one in the entrance lobby with a small ikea vase and a tea light in it as a deco piece. Who knows, maybe it gets more attention now :sweat_smile:

Didn’t even last 60 seconds!

Couldn’t the AI stuff be left out of this one?

That part was as my thank you for not being related to AI. The “pun” next was, as the name implies, the name of the model itself. Should we ban that word? I can edit that, no problem.

Grumpy Malc :sweat_smile: :kissing_heart:

Edit: There, fixed for you. Don’t want you angry :sweat_smile:

I got the meaning, I was just glad this wasn’t ruined by the AI stuff.

I agree with the AI disdain, I just thought this could be cleared of it, jokes included.

I am like the Hulk, I am always angry.

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No worries. Removed all the “you know” from the post. I am also tired of that subject, so i get ya :kissing_heart:

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Another design that is underperforming to what I thought it would do is this light I made for the X1 and P1 series printers…

No modifications. Installs in 3 seconds and iluminates the buildplate like advertised using the LED light kit 001…

Check it out here:

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Still pretty new to the hobby, made this for both my son’s E-scooter’s, thought it would have found more attention, but i quess still too early or just wrong season.

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I like the idea of the thread, but I honestly think some of them will took off soon, like the light for X1/P1… Just needs a bit more time… Maybe set a minimum time requirement for the 2nd chance? I’d say a month is good for non-seasonal items. I’ve seen somebody post christmas decorations in I think february and they only took off recently so seasonal items need their season :slight_smile:

And with the topic here - my wife was sure it’ll be hit, the title was “great” and photos were good too… Why didn’t this work?


People is probably afraid to screw it up?
It’s a beatiful design, but it is also very detailed

I think it’s a good idea but also think that it won’t fit many people idea of decoration and that’s why it didn’t take much attention. Most of house owners are into modern stuff or completely on the opposite side and prefer really old decor. There is no middle point :sweat_smile:

For example, i showed that to my wife and she said it’s well done but it wouldn’t fit in our decor at all. She even said “if that was a bigger one (1 meter at least), then i could use it as a corner vase, in the ground”.

So… make it 1 meter and printable :rofl: :see_no_evil:

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I had this bright idea to make it easy to get extra USB or 12V power outlets for your boat, car or R.V. or whatever… Only thing you need is a cup holder.

Included all materials needed to make it as easy as possible…

It even won a prize in the Car interior Contest!!!

But so far 6 prints… Pretty dissapointing to me :neutral_face:

What went wrong on this one?

Anyone who has a design that deserves a second chance in the spotlight?

Please post below!

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It’s been on just two weeks but I do think this snowman deserved more attention than it had:

I mean - vase, lamp, flowerpot, giftbox, storage… And is cute as heck…