You provide the file on Makerworld, and thousands download and print it, but you don’t want someone to print it and give it to their grand child, despite no money exchanging hands… (There is nothing commercial about this exchange, it is personally personal) Heck, it was provided for free on Makerworld, so how is it any different than anyone else downloading and printing it? Why is it a sin for someone with a hobby of 3d printing to share that printed object with someone they care about/love?
To clarify, I am not talking about someone downloading and printing something a thousand times and giving it out. I’m talking about someone printing something out for someone else, usually where personal feelings are involved and both parties know each other. Such as.
Would a husband be disallowed from printing something for his wife? Would a boyfriend be barred from printing a rose model for his girlfriend?
Can a parent not print things for their child? How does that even work? If it’s by blood relation, then why can’t a grandparent print something for their grand child? If it’s about living in the same household, then why would a grandparent that lives in the same house as their grand children be allowed, but not one that lives down the street…? Is that fair? If it is about living in the same house, then can I print things for my roommate? Or is that not allowed?
If a parent prints something for their child, and it’s based on the transfer of ownership, maybe we can argue that the child is just barrowing it from the parent, but what if the child moves out and takes the 3d printed toy with them, would that then violate the license? Who would be at fault? Would the child not be allowed to take it because of this disallowance of the transfer of ownership of the 3d printed object?
Seriously. You act like someone is taking something from you, like somehow you’re losing something. We’re talking about objects provided on Makerworld for free though, to which others download and print it, hopefully in the thousands. Yet the line gets crossed for you if someone prints something for another? And we’re not talking about in a commercial setting or with commercial interest or intent, to be completely and utterly clear. This whole conversation is based around the original idea of a grandparent wanting to print something for their grandchildren. This isn’t something done for commercial gain, but because one human loves another.
I mean you made it clear that if I printed something of yours and gave it to my sister, that you’d consider that a breach of license. If that’s a breach of license, then it’d be just as much a breach for a parent to give something to their child, or a boyfriend to print something for their girlfriend.
Personally, it makes me smile when someone talks about printing one of my models for their friends or family. They aren’t doing it for commercial gain or interest, and so I don’t see how it harms me or should cause me grief. I already provide my files for free on Makerworld. That does not allow them to use my models commercially, but otherwise if every member of a family or house hold can download the model for free without issue anyway, I don’t see why it’s an issue that grandpa is the one that prints it.