LIdar errors

For the last three months or so, I have been getting Lidar errors that the Lidar needs to be cleaned. I have also gotten a few errors saying something the Lidar is damaged and needing to be replaced. Now it pretty much clean the lidar. I have done this, but I am still having issues. The prints are still good. However, I have noticed a couple of times that when I print towards the back 1/3 of the plate or so, the prints don’t look very good on that end. If I move the print closer to the front, there are no issues. This may not be a problem, but I don’t know if the lidar caused it. Any other ideas to fix the Lidar?

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The one thing that I learned about cleaning the CF rods was keep cleaning them till no black residue was present. Then my lidar alerts went away.

Now as soon as I get the first alert, I clean them before the next print. HTHs

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Ok, I just cleaned the CF Rods but not the lidar this time. Let’s see if that makes the error go away.

I left the dry with no oil or anything.

Well, it did not work and gave the error the first time after cleaning the rods. Now to clean the lidar again.
At first, a month or two ago, I received an error that said it was broken.

Well then it is possible that it is indeed broken. The wiki says never put lubricants on the cf rods. To remain dry and clean as possible.

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I read that as well, and I only wipe the rails.

After continued cleaning, it has started working now. It just may have really had dust or dirt stuck on there.

Thanks, man!

I don’t put anything on the CF rods, but I wipe them clean. I just used a CueStick and 99% alcohol, and after a few more cleanings, it has worked perfectly. Truth be known, I was trying to be too careful cleaning it so I would not physically break it and that’s why the problem continued for so long. So that very well could have been the problem. When I received a few errors saying something like the Lidar may be cracked or broken, I was very careful to clean it in case it was already physically damaged.

Nice! I’m glad that it worked for you.

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I opened a trouble ticket on the first. It is now the ninth about the lidar giving off failing errors. I got a message saying your ticket has been lodged on the 3rd. On the 5th I received instructions to follow wiki and that it is maybe due to lose cables to the lidar. I did this I think 4 or 5 times the next two days and still receive the lidar failing. I sent a message asking for more help on the seventh and have not heard anything.

As per wiki I tried to unplug all the cables going to the lidar, well due to the over amount of glue one of the connectors broke.

I then sent pictures and videos of the problem on the 7th.

How do I get support to respond to this issue? I have provided all they have asked for including pictures, videos, a narrative, and a warranty request to supply the parts necessary to fix the lidar and get my printer back up and running.

I know this is after you messed up the connector, but using IPA on hot glue will soften it up enough that removing glue is not destructive.

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I keep getting LIDAR errors at the start of every print. My LIDAR window has been cleaned (a couple of times, now). What I’ve noticed is, the error is reported when the printhead moves to the left front edge to read the QR code for the build plate. I don’t know if that’s where the problem is occurring or if the error state is “logged” from an earlier operation and only reported at this step in the initialization sequence. But It doesn’t stop the printer from printing. And if I do a flow calibration, which uses the LIDAR to scan the extrusions, I end up with good prints. So the LIDAR is reading correctly for the extrusion calibration process, but not at some earlier step in the startup sequence.

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I am having kind of the same issue. My lidar went bad they sent me both head boards and a lidar unit. Installed them yesterday, however the LED light does not work and the lidar cannot read the main board sticker or the build plate sticker due to no light. I can see the red light when leveling the bed

However doing flow calabriation it fails most of the time

I hope they r4espond to me today or tomorrow so this can get fixed

seams like they are in no hurry to help customers with warranty issues they just want to sell product and lets us flounder