Lightning infill

Printing a gridfinity object that will basically be a shelf for a few things with very little weight so decided to try low fill percentage and lightning infill for the very first time.
Must have seen something shiny, because I forgot minutes later walking past the printer “Oh ■■■■, I’m printing air - filament must be jammed” (thinks for a second) :bulb: Oh yeah. lightning.
Pic blurry since printer is still going, but I’m sure you get the idea. Not trained to look at that and think anything other than failure.

Wow, the C word for poo gets censored? lol.

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same happened to me, printhead dancing in the air attempting to print a hollow bust.

did you increase the percentage?, did you change infill altogether?

For lightning infill, if you use it…increase the percentage.

For a bust, I usually will go with 10%. After I look at the slice, I may up to 20%.

Remember Lightning is not like other infills, it’s only used where it’s critical & not the whole part. So using say 20% for lightning is like 3% of something else.


in the end went with Gyroid at 8%. In the past tried grid and adaptive cubic and got the printhead bumping on already printed lines.

nice tip regarding lightning to the rest equivalency.