Lines in top layer


I’ve tried finding solutions in older forums posts but noone have helped. I get these “travel lines?” in the top surface when i print the model.

I am using Bambu lab PETG-Basic thats been calibrated and printing with 0.12mm layer height and ironing with 20% flowrate. I know that i have to adjust the flow ratio to get a better surface layer but thats another problem. I’ve tried adjusting top surface pattern, lowering iron speed, adjusting line spacing, deselecting reduce infill retraction.

I dont really know what to adjust anymore so i am here asking you for help.

Your problem is with the surface layer.

What are you waiting for?

Yes, thanks. What parameters do you suggest adjusting? Do you think the flow-ratio is the cause of the lines?

There are multiple posts on this problem.

This is one.

You wish to take a look through those.

There are some suggestions to resolve the issue, some better than others.

Nothing perfect though.

I saw a Bambu employee suggest turning off one wall on top surface to fix lines like that under text. They are working on a proper solution for a future slicer update.


Yep, this solved the problem. Thank you for fast and helpful respone :smiley:

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That’s great that it worked for you. I haven’t tried it yet so it’s good to know that it actually works.

Discussed extensively on Github is a solution called “Interface” shells that is in the Beta:



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