Made a Custom Exhaust Duct

After buying a Bento Box with the “upgraded” fans, and being very underwhelmed by the amount of air it moves, I decided the best solution is to just get rid of the air.

I picked up:

4" Variable Speed Duct Fan:

Back draft damper:


The back draft damper has a return spring which really fought the low-power fan. So, I cut the spring out and glued in some damper blade limiters, so they don’t get stuck facing up, or flip over to one side:

I bought a flange to connect the duct to my ceiling, but it was a piece of garbage. So, I designed a new flange to help connect the fan directly to the damper. (forgot to take a picture).

I also made a 210mm extension that I glued into the damper outlet. This made the fan, damper, extension, and flange all a single assembly to attach onto the ceiling. The goal here was to avoid going into the attic. I also used some exposed triangular infill as a mesh filter for the outlet of the extension. This keeps any insulation from coming back down:

The last piece is a custom manifold that attaches magnetically to the back of the machine and pulls through the existing outlet. Now, I can also take out the carbon filter and the filter door to reduce restriction a lot. With those gone, even the stock fan can move quite a bit of air out of the printer. But, obviously I can now kick on the duct fan for a boost with nasty materials.


First test with an ASA print last night.

With the chamber fan set to 60%, the carbon filter removed, and the external duct fan not even running, there was zero smell in the room.


Awesome! Thanks for sharing I may have to do this in the future :slight_smile:

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