Major layer issues?

I’m intermittently getting absolutely terrible layer issues on my P1S that is about a year old. Sometimes prints are great, sometimes they’re terrible. Here’s two images of the exact same model, they failed in different ways in different places.

I’m using Polymaker ASA. I’ve tried:

  1. Changing out to a new roll of filament (and drying it)
  2. Changing out the hotend
  3. Cleaning the plate
  4. Changing the plate

Altoids Box - v1.3mf (330.0 KB)

Printer: Bambu P1S
Slicer settings: Attached 3MF
Filament: Polymaker ASA (Grey)

Any ideas what could be causing this? Thank you.

Have you checked the extruder’s bearing if it’s still spinning freely and nozzle for partial clog?

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Not yet, but I’ll follow this video and take a look at it today. Thank you!