The singlemost important number I look at on the X1 touch screen (and the Handy app) is the one showing how many minutes are left on the print. I don’t really care about the % done number, just the minutes remaining. But it seems like the font of the most important number is the tiniest on the whole screen.
I am approaching 50, and although my eyesight isn’t terrible, it isn’t what it used to be. I can see every other item on the screen, but I have to scramble to find my glasses to see how many minutes are left.
Can the minutes remaining statistic font at least be made to be as large and bold as the % font?
While I wouldn’t mind a bigger font for the remaining minutes (I agree that it’s really the number one looks at during the print), what I’m actually struggling more with is the humidity/desiccant status icon for the AMS
Bambu needs to think of a print like using Google Maps to drive somewhere. You want to know how many minutes left in the trip, and the estimated time of arrival is also a great idea. Those stats need to be BIG. And using the right hand of the screen to show them nice and prominently makes a lot of sense instead of an image of the printer.
Percent is a useless statistic to me, it could mean anything. It doesn’t help me at all know how much time I have to goof off before I need to be back to start the next print.
Memes aside I agree that having a picture of a tiny printer that occupies half the user interface (especially on a touchscreen) is pointless real estate.
Personally I would like to see total minutes for the print along with the remaining minutes. Or total minutes printed so far along with remaining minutes. I would also like to see current -Z- height along with the current layer. If they would get rid of the picture of the printer (or make it much smaller) they would have room for minutes printed (or total minutes for the job), minutes remaining, current layer, and current -Z- height.