Make Speed Mode a Slider

Rather than have the four current choices of modes, (Silent, Standard, Sport and Ludicrous), a slider would be nice, being able to slide the mode positive, or negative. There are times I would like to print faster than Standard, but not as fast as Sport, or faster than Sport, but Ludicrous fails. It would be nice to be able to ‘slide’ the speed up to %130. Or down to %85 if necessary.

Also, it would allow you to adjust the speed for certain parts/layers of a print. Fast for lower detail layers, slower for higher detail layers, etc…

Sure, it is possible to adjust the speeds in the slicer before sending the print, but it would be nice to do it while printing.


i guess they wont do that since the printer is not testing itself for these in between resonances which might occur if you try to run a speed outside of its known fixed speed parameters.