Make sure to drop test your prints to avoid low ratings

SMH… some people… for the hell of it i dropped the one i printed from 3ft onto hard floor to test his claim and only thing broke was an earring. perhaps im dropping it wrong?

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It’s amazing, isn’t it? It’s a big hole that people who print things are able rate them based on their own mistakes and lack of experience. The danger goes up if there are parts to assemble or anything complicated about a print.

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I just got a 1 star rating with the comment: “AMS sucks”. :thinking:

As I don’t have an AMS, none of my prints are made for AMS usage, nor are my profiles. So I don’t know what the critique is, but my best guess is that the user had issues with their AMS, and somehow decides to take it out on my design.


yeah thats crappy thankfully we can report such profiles and they usually are removed


Yeah… alas, henceforth, I shall venture to remember drop testing my stuff :grinning: