Hi everyone,
I recently discovered the Shop Section of Maker’s Supply and it is great!
When I click on an item (such as these magnets) I would like to know what models published on Makerworld use it.
Is there any way?
Thank you very much!
Hi everyone,
I recently discovered the Shop Section of Maker’s Supply and it is great!
When I click on an item (such as these magnets) I would like to know what models published on Makerworld use it.
Is there any way?
Thank you very much!
Hi Valeria
I think it’s difficult for Makerworld to do that, and they may not be allowed to tell everyone what someone has sold.
But the designer could put the magnet size as a tag when uploading a model.
On my models I included it with the model description, but with a tag it’s easier to find.
I believe it is coming.
When you include anything from MakerSupply in the BoM section of your model description, you are providing all the information required to say “my models uses these specific items.
It is a trivial database search to be looking at a MakerSupply product and get a listing from the database of all models that listed this item (or ideally this type of item, like magnets).
This can only benefit MW and users alike.
They just need to create the UI/UX elements to go with the database query.
@Tanklet are you able to confirm this is actually coming in a near-future update?
You are adding your products to a text box, this makes it extremely difficult to perform the action @Valeria_Momo is talking about.
If the hardware parts you use can be found in MakerSupply, I suggest you use the new(ish) BoM feature to include them in your build of materials specifically.
It helps the user and would make you searchable in this future update to searches.
This has nothing to do with what is sold. It is about a designer saying my models requires these two magnets and a spring. This is publicly shared and useful information.
Having the ability to find out what models used the magnets I ordered or determine popular size screws by the number of models that include them can only benefit the community as a whole.
If you have parts that MW doesn’t have, use the text area in BoM for that as it helps users find all the information they need in a consistent place they can always locate.
Many thanks for the tip. I have added the order number of the magnets to my models.
Hi @Valeria_Momo,
Funny enough, I was about to post this exact same question yesterday. I’m very interested in publishing models that use Maker’s Supply parts, but there are a few things I’d love to see soon so I can really dig into making more models work with these parts. Mostly, it comes down to the lack of discoverability for models that use Maker’s Supply parts.
MakerWorld seems to be heading in the right direction in many areas, like including tags on the models page that indicate which models use Maker’s Supply parts right below the model. However, they need to have a category for Maker’s Supply with subcategories for types of parts that are used.
(I know @MalcTheOracle and I also want to see them add a category for “Customizable,” so I’ll promote that request here too.)
They also need to have a section on the Maker’s Supply page at the bottom that shows models that use these parts. I would love for it to be somewhat indeterministic so that it shows random but quality models. Then the user can click the link to “more,” which takes them to the MakerWorld search page already filtered down by that part.
This could get even more sophisticated, like “show me the models given the parts I have in my drawer,” but let’s focus on the basics.
They did it a while ago and announced it.
Use filters on all models and you can choose it.
Someone wants AI up inside his business.
Yes, the filter is great, but it’s not as first-class of an experience as the left-hand categories.
I am with you on that.
I wonder if they wish to build up the number of models before they add it.
Hi Valeria, this is in fact a great suggestion and we’ve heard many users asking for better filtering to pinpoint which exact models use what specific BOM’s list materials. We will see to provide a better solution for sorting these type of models. Thanks a lot!
@Valeria_Momo @ozarkexpeditions @MalcTheOracle
Could you share with us more senarios this feature will be used (maybe from user or creator perspective)?
It may help us design it in a better way.
This doesn’t and shouldn’t necessarily need to be an in depth feature.
If anything my recommendation would be to add a category (tab) named “Maker’s Models” or something along the lines of indicating models are part of the maker supply section.
Then fill that section with any model containing a BOM either containing hardware from Bambu or not my 2 cents
In an ideal world this could be placed in three different places, I will describe each, but first, a summary of the requirement.
With the MakerSupply section becoming more popular and an increasing number of models including one or more products from the MakerSupply section, it makes sense to provide a mechanism that allows users a way to find all models that include a part that have purchased or are about to purchase.
For example, if I bought a pack of steel balls (10mm), I would like to easily see a list of all models that have included that part in their BoM.
At this stage, I do not believe adding and complex search of multiple products would be beneficial. A simple one product to many models that selected that part will suffice.
Three obvious ways for this to be included in the BL & MW ecosystems.
Within the BL store website, within the product page of a specific MakerSupply product, include a link “See all models that have included this part in their model”, that when pressed takes the user to the MW site and does exactly that, provides a list of products that have that part in their BoM. Include the usual sorting and paging as required.
On the bottom of all model pages with a BoM, provide a link next to each BOM entry “more models with this part”, when selected, it takes them to the list in point 1) above.
Include a MW specific MakerSupply ’search’ for parts. No text boxes, just the same drops downs used in the BoM when editing a model. When the user has chosen the part, they choose the “List Models” button which takes them to the list view shown in point 1) above. Ideally this should be part of the landing page point 1) describes, making it both an entry page and a results page that the user can then change the part a run the search again.
The objective is to allow users the ability to match parts they have or are considering purchasing to models they can then print.
I believe this has the ability to increase sales of MakerSupply and make it more common for people to download & print models that designers have made which include MakerSupply parts.
I agree with @MalcTheOracle’s latest reply as it captures what we’re looking for in this request. It would be great for someone to look through their parts bin and find models that work with the parts they have. I’ll spend some time thinking through this in more detail and reply again later.
@ProtoSpyre with so many people adding parts to their models, I do believe another layer of search and filtering would be beneficial. MakerWorld is highly motivated to sell more parts and designers are becoming incentivized to design with these parts in mind. As a designer, I want to know that if I design with Maker’s Supply parts, that it has good visibility.
Hi Tanklet, of course, with great pleasure, this is the scenario I had in mind:
I have a Makers Supply inventory in my drawer and would like to know which models on MakerWorld I can print. I would therefore need a web interface where I could enter my inventory, press a magic button and view the models that I can print and assemble.
Obviously I would like to keep the usual filters and sorting features already present in this interface: 3D Models - MakerWorld
A bit like apps where you have to say what ingredients you have in the fridge and they tell you what you can cook for dinner…
@MalcTheOracle @ozarkexpeditions @Valeria_Momo
Thanks for the detailed information. I have put it into out plan list.
I’d love this too, I also have a lot of parts that are available on the maker supply, and several bought from the supply - sometimes I just want to find a project to make good use of them, maybe I have a bunch of cheap filament I just want to use up because it’s taking space, etc. finding projects this way would = downloads for sure. @Tanklet It would also be a great to visit the maker’s supply and be able to click “See models on MakerWorld that use this part” to get an idea what a part is for or what the value of it is. e.g. there’s several parts that I can imagine users wondering “what the heck? why does bambu sell balls?” if they click the part they could see precisely why
Agree, and wish this were a reality. I want to know of all models that utilize the TT motor, so I can reuse the motor on other cool projects that I don’t know about.
Okay they’re doing nothing about this so I’ll tell you a little tip. You can find stuff that uses a specific part by google searching
“"PARTNUMBER" site:makerworld.com
This will pull up everything that has that part number that is on makerworld.com. It works well for me.
Here are some example parts:
Wireless Charging Kit
S-shape LED Strip Light
You can also set up advanced search filters using the Google advanced search menu or other search modifiers. E.g. “"PARTNUMBER" -lamp site:makerworld.com
” would pull up everything that is not a lamp but has a specific part. Pretty cool!
You can narrow the focus by suffixing the username.
This is me, be careful though, it can include some really strange people near the bottom, you have been warned!
@Zammer3D did you spot you were the really strange person I was referring to?