MakerWorld downloaded model settings in Bambu Studio

I printed a file for my daughter in Bambu Handy that had a very coarse Fuzzy Skin which got me curious about the settings used. So I downloaded the file on my computer and opened it in studio.

Once open, it shows some settings different from what I normally use like the nozzle, filament/color, and layer height which is to be expected. I then sliced it and it shows a tree support and has the fuzzy skin, just like how it printed with Handy. However, when I go to the support tab it’s not enabled and fuzzy skin is off. If I enable supports it comes up as normal (auto) and not the tree support it sliced with. It doesn’t matter if I turn them on or off or change the type, when I slice it’s always the same end result. Which also means that I can’t see the fuzzy skin settings that I was looking for but I’m now just as curious about this behavior.

I guess I’m glad that the correct settings load that the uploader intended, but I’m a bit confused why it can’t be modified? Is this normal with MakerWorld downloaded files and some type of read only or locked file so the “optimized” settings aren’t disturbed? Or a glitch of some sort, possibly from the use of different versions of the software, etc, etc?

I’m away from my computer so I can’t look to see if there were multiple variations of the file that could be downloaded but I’m pretty sure I just clicked the download button. I’m curious now and it will be a day or 2 before I’m in front of a computer again so figured I would try asking here.


If the model contains multiple objects, any object can have it’s own settings.

In the screenshot, you can see the generic settings with normal support enabled. But you can see, that the model got tree support generated.

This can configured if you select “Objects” for “Process”. There you can define many settings object specific, like here “tree support” for object “bottom”.

It sure looks like one object but I went from global to objects and there are multiple parts for some reason? I have no idea why it was made that way but I have also yet to venture into Blender type programs and more organic, artistic models and have no idea what the process is like. So maybe it makes sense from that point of view?

Thanks for suggesting it because I would have never thought it might not be a single modeled object. Just when you think you’re starting to get the hang of things, something pops up that makes you realize how little you actually know about all this…