MakerWorld Exclusive Program is now Live!

That is quite disappointing. I’ve also noticed that many other filament clips are part of the exclusivity program, and I’m curious to understand why mine did not qualify. Since the qualification rules are not clearly outlined, I can only assume it is at the discretion of whoever is evaluating the submissions.

Additionally, I came across something important in the terms:

If a Creator discovers that their Exclusive Program Model is being used without authorization on other 3D model channels or platforms, we suggest that the Creator acts promptly to have the Exclusive Program Model removed to maintain their exclusive status on MakerWorld. The creator shall preserve evidence of their correspondence with the respective website operator, including the date, for future verification. You are solely responsible for taking any action necessary to protect and enforce your rights in your Model.

This effectively places the burden of policing the internet on the creators themselves. If your model is stolen and distributed elsewhere, you risk losing your exclusive status and, as we’ve seen, 100% of your model points.

Way to make an entrance…

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Lol thanks think it was just because I mentioned another platform guess thats a nono.

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@MakerWorld Given the unclear guidelines and the way they were communicated during the rollout, I believe the fair thing to do is to grant the people with models that were deemed ineligible all the points they would have earned under the normal system. I also hope that moving forward, we receive clearer information on what qualifies for participation, or at the very least, implement a system where models can be submitted for analysis without penalties.


Come on, this is just for 90 days or 14 days as you choose. People that really want to remix something can wait that long.

I find this a very good way of getting better exposure and then even more people could be interested in remixes.

I think there’s a bug because they stated pretty clearly that

So, only the extra points you get should be stripped.

They either wrong in this statement (but is not probable because it is logical) or it was poorly implemented in automation.

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That is your opinion. I don’t like it and thats it.

You’re making the same interpretation error that I initially did. The statement is technically correct, but I also found it very misleading.

At first, I thought it meant you only lose the extra 25% points. But what actually happens is that when your model is part of the program, ALL the points (including any boosts) are considered “Exclusive Points.” This means you lose ALL your points, not just the extra ones.

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Take my filament clip as an example: it had been up for less than 20 hours before being removed from the program. When that happened, they removed all the points and boosts earned, not just the “extra” ones.

As a result, at the end of the 24 hours, I ended up with negative points on that model.


Now, imagine if this decision had been made a week or even a month later instead of just 20 hours after posting—that’s the really concerning part. Even though I lost a lot of points in those 20 hours (since early downloads give more points), the impact would have been much worse over time. I think that should make anyone currently enrolled very worried.

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Because they want All points earned by Exclusive Models to earn Exclusive Points because its cash convertible…nothing unlogical about that

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I agree that it’s a positive step that they are doing this and counting all the points as exclusive so they can be turned into an income. However, the concern I’m highlighting is the risk of enrolling in the program right now. It seems they accept everyone initially and only later evaluate whether the participant meets their criteria. Since the criteria aren’t clear, this evaluation will depend on the discretion of the evaluator, and it could take a long time before they assess your model. If the evaluation turns out to be negative, you lose all your points, not just the extra 25%. That’s the real issue.


It sucks for you, but I see it as a deterrent…

Edit: hit post too soon.

…it certainly makes me think twice about what models I will enter into the exclusive program in future.

Now hard cash is involved I can only see the issue of rule breaking and models/profiles uploaded in ways to get around the rules becoming worse. Currently it seems the rules are pretty lax with model theft, breaking licenses and so on.


I agree, breaking the rules should come with consequences. However, as it stands, there aren’t even clear rules—just general guidelines that aren’t being applied equally. I see 119 filament clips in the exclusivity program, so who decided those qualify while mine don’t? Based on what criteria? I’m still waiting for support to clarify that.

Maybe they haven’t gotten around to removing those yet, but eventually will. If that’s the case, I wonder how long it will take before the hammer drops on them and they lose weeks of points. It also sets a bad example, because anyone designing a filament clip will see others in the program and think it’s perfectly fine to join too. I’m using filament clips as an example, but this applies to everything. Look at the hundreds of ghost models—529 in the program—while others were removed, even though many look similar. There’s no clarity.


I am with you.

Zero examples of what is deemed acceptable and worthy or unacceptable and unworthy.

I spend significant amount of time on every model I create. Many are multiple colour AMS models with interesting designs or artwork in everyday objects.

It seems my coasters and keyrings are not loved by MW, as they removed every single one from the program.

They asked for:

  • quality models - check
  • with occasional updates - check
  • With the designer interacting with the users - check

They removed almost all of them this morning.

All the points gained were removed, not the difference between the exclusive points and the traditional points, all of them.

Nowhere does it say coasters or keyrings will not be allowed. If it had, I would have known, that is too easy. If they had sent a message saying “your coasters and keyrings are not eligible, you have 24/48 hours to remove them”, I would have. Yet, we can’t remove anything if we realise their evolving rules now affect something we believe met their criteria when they were entered.

This is a massive bait and switch.

They also removed my QR Code OpenSCAD creator, the second most successful model of its kind on the platform.

Yet all other QR Code related models still have their exclusive status.

It took days, has received several updates, was die another one this week, that is on hold now.

I also have to wonder if I am being punished for calling them out publicly over their refusal to deliver the AMS I ordered over a month ago.


I’m really sorry this happened to you as well. “Bait and switch” is an apt description. I still see more than 1,000 results for “coasters” enrolled in the exclusivity program. The question now is: Are there different rules for different people, or will they eventually go through and remove all of them? Unfortunately, both scenarios are problematic—the first for obvious reasons, and the second because the longer they take, the more points creators will lose.

Like you, I have other models currently enrolled, and I’m constantly worried they’ll decide something else isn’t eligible and remove it too. The worst part is, we can’t even opt out anymore, so we’re just sitting ducks.

I still have hope that @MakerWorld will recognize that the rollout hasn’t been ideal and take the right approach: remove everyone from the program, allow them to keep their points, and then relaunch with clear rules and criteria. Continuing as is doesn’t seem like a good idea—not just because of the negative impact on designers, which I’m sure isn’t their goal, but also because it’s not sustainable. They must have millions of models to review manually, and it hasn’t even been out for a week.


I’m on a hurry now so I can’t read again the program conditions, but I thing there are some lines about uploading remixes, and your model title directly says is V3…

I may be completely wrong.

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No, I dont think you are wrong. In the guidelines they do say:

“Simple models like a remix of an articulated dragon model, or a simple phone case with no standout features are more likely not to be welcomed in the program.”

I find this statement confusing because it doesn’t say they won’t be welcomed, just that they are less likely to be welcomed. This lack of clarity and the hefty punishment that follows is the real problem.

Maybe my filament v3 is considered a low-effort remix. It would hurt to hear that , but I could understand how it might seem that way. However, I would be surprised if my filament v2 was considered a low-effort remix since it is original and has no predecessor posted online.

But as I mentioned, this isn’t about my clips or the coasters, etc; it’s about how the rollout happened and how it’s being handled. For instance, the QR code generator from @MalcTheOracle is a very cool, original model, and certainly very popular too. Yet, someone decided it didn’t qualify, and he was punished for it. He had no way to know in advance, and the same applies to the thousands of people who enrolled, now at the mercy of the person evaluating their models.


I have just taken a look at your v3 filament clip, it is very popular and solves a problem we all have.

I cannot see how this could possibly not be considered suitable as an exclusive model.

I had considered producing a clip that could work in multiple ways, now what is the impetuous for me to waste such effort if there are people making extremely subjective decisions without any guidance.

They announced the exclusive program will almost all focus on exclusive and clearly stated what that meant, everything else was general reduced into essentially “useful not trivial”. They still have not added a list of models they subjectively decide are not suitable. They only suggest 2D art and hueforge, even those were added after the fact and not at launch.

Once more, MW & BL screw up due to their unwillingness to think, speak then act.

Imagine if they had a plan for this, announce it, ask for entries, but, most importantly, it wouldn’t officially start for a month or two. During this time, MW could have refined their plans as they clearly forgot to think first and those model categories which were subsequently found unworthy could be removed from the office launch. No penalties issued and MW doesn’t look like the ill-informed, bumbling child who has yet to launch a successful campaign without screwing it up and annoying people.

Also treat all models equally, ALL QR Code generators must be out of one is out, ALL filament clips are out if one is deemed unworthy.

In both cases, active members of the community producing and updating models with significant downloads by happy users who receive responses to questions, comments and ratings.

These clips for example are all still considered exclusive, yet more examples of the subjective treatment and views and zero consideration for equal treatment of all.


I agree with you on the way BL is communicating and acting. That being said and put aside, BL gave at least some examples and hints. In my view filament clips in no way can even approach these standards:

Advanced models like the Mechanical Card Shuffler, a self-designed FPV Cruiser or an innovative project such as this intricate Lunar Vehicle are the type of models with the best chance of thriving and becoming popular in the Exclusive Model program.

Simple models like a remix of an articulated dragon model, or a simple phone case with no standout features are more likely not to be welcomed in the program.

I know some of that was added later but even without it i wouldn’t think something like that could qualify. I would say it’s common sense. Why would somebody pay extra for something that you have tens or hundreds of designs to choose from and is very easy to replicate from a picture? I do understand that is not as easy at it seems , you would still have to do one or two tests but they are pretty easy to do and very cheap.

I hope you won’t feel offended because I just wanted to point out that rules are limited in what they can convey. In law they say that you must guide yourself by the letter of the law and by the spirit of the law.

As for the other clips I think that they didn’t yet get to them. Maybe yours got reported and went ahead with priority.


I agree with you, I love your models, and I’m trying to do my best also.
When they announced it, I read the link MakerWorld Exclusive Model Program Agreement that is present when you upload a model and there is nothing about low effort of Hueforges, and saw that everybody else made their Hueforges exclusive, like why wouldn’t they, it just better rewards. So I did that also.
Later they removed one of my model from the exclusive program stating: AI-generated content, Hueforges and other 2D designs are ineligible to enter the program.
I was like: What? Where does it say? I must say I had to do a little bit of searching to find this info. It should not be hidden like this. I think since its the only category specifically mentioned it should be stated much more clearly and visibly, like right on the upload page.

And now I’m stuck with models in exclusive program because their is 90-day wait period, I would remove them and honour the rules but I cant because of this.

Also, isn’t there simple solution to just not let me click the Exclusive program if I choose the category of models Hueforges?

It almost seems like some kind of trap. Now I fear the punishment without me be even able to do anything about it.

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