MakerWorld Release Note 0724

Clearly, collections are getting some love.

I still want…

  • Sorting

Yes, great suggestion.

I assume you meant ‘could’ rather than ‘can’. Yes, please, this is a great suggestion.

Yes, another great suggestion.

Yep, keep ‘em coming, another great one.

Maybe early access as well?

As you went OT on one, I will do the same.

Schedule publishing.

I want to be able to schedule my uploads. Let me upload the content and then set the publish date and time.

I often have a series of models I release one day at a time. It makes more sense to upload all of them in one go and then just set each one to be published at the date and time of my choosing. Once they get published, they start appearing in the new models list, NOT when they were originally uploaded.

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I often work on stuff in bunches, so I’ve already got a few things lined up to post. Instead of worrying about when to post them, I can just set a date and work on more upcoming designs. This works out with early access, you can set a date for it to be available to “supporters” (maybe include monetary support at some point?) and a date for it to be available to the public.

The ability to broadcast to followers was suggested before. But an option will need to be added so users can indicate they are willing to receive such messages from designers they follow.


Both are great suggestions, we will see what we can do :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Nothing bothers me more than “spamming” the new feed which would be a byproduct of Scheduled Publishing. It sucks the life out of browsing when I have to scroll through pages of one maker, eg hueforge. Exposure for the little maker who uploads maybe one a month goes from maybe a day at most to nil if they upload the moment before harry-hueforge does their daily dump of images. Schedule would be acceptable IF @MakerWorld had daily upload limits to curtail the unfair exposure practice.

Edit to add, @MalcTheOracle is not who I am referring to here, I’m focussed on the potential issues if Scheduling is not moderated. Apologies my words weren’t clear.

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As I explained, clearly I thought, my objective is to schedule my uploads, I never mention anything about spamming or flooding MakerWorld.

If you have read some of the things I have written here or looked at my models, you will see I upload maybe 3/4 models a day max, but average around 2.

You would also note I create a variety of models from multiple genres, none of which are even closely related to hueforges.

I work on models that require many prints to perfect.

My most recent type of models I have had success with require 21 prints to prove I have printed every variation I have created a profile for over three different mechanisms in the models.

I also create some that end up with 30 in a theme, each one using an AMS and a lot of filament. Again, many tests and prototypes.

I am currently working on a few models that are large in scale, requiring MakerSupply parts and a significant amount of prototyping.

I have also designed a few that once the prototyping was completed, I didn’t think they were good enough or easy enough to print for the average person.

All the photography, staging, artwork, font selection, theming and content creation adds to the amount of work involved.

So, I am surprised you believe that my request for scheduling the publishing of models I spend so much time effort and money on makes me a spammer!

I apologise for the misunderstanding, I wasn’t targeting your uploads or your models even, my concern is Scheduling being abused by makers who WILL take advantage to schedule their “dump” which noone has control over once underway (I’m assuming it’ll happen all at once). I referenced hueforge being one that does flood the feed often, again I have no ill-feeling towards that genre.

I was raising my point with you as you’ve motioned you have intentions to use it, plus the fact you do have a better placement in the forum and voicing my concerns would have better reception. Sorry :slight_smile:

My issue simply is once in place with no control/limits, automation of uploads will mean anyone with a catalogue has the potential to run a shock and awe campaign with a press of a button. Scheduling is not necessarily a problem if there is a daily cap on uploads.

Yes, I’ll simply try to explain the problem you mention in a different way.

I think you’re referring to someone designing a large number of models, releasing them at one point in time and then these models all appear at once and one after the other on the search pages. So someone could release 500 models at a time and you would only see models from one designer over several pages.

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You can understand why I believed this was targeted at me.

You replied to me directly and then associated my request as a cause for spam.

At no point did you say any disqualifiers or qualifiers such as “I don’t mean you” or “This does not mean all people”.

I believe I currently upload my model, but, converted to a schedule would meet your wishes entirely.

If I create a set of 8 hero coasters, keyrings and fidget spinners, I upload one or two per day, which means the uploads are spread over 12 days (assuming two of the items from that pool per day).

That is what I do right now.

As a very ill and disabled person, my ability to stand and move around depends on many factors. Whilst I try to upload at similar times each day, I am controlled by my limitations.

My health would be better off if I could schedule the next 12 days (per the example above) and then create new models without having to stop-start so often.

Limits make sense.

That is a hellish example and yes, it would need to be curtailed before it started.

Even a new MW user uploading an existing catalogue of models should have to achieve this over a period of days.

Now that the unregistered downloads are limited to 5 by ip, are you planning on lifting the arbitrary limit of counted download per user per day? It would be fair, now that the download gaming is calming down, and the moderation is more effective?


Thanks for asking, we will pull some data and determine whether there will be adjustments in this area. If we do decide to make changes, we will let y’all know. Thanks again for your support and interest.


Still on Featured Collections: :grin:

Seems like since yesterday all collections are now by the MakerWorld account. Won’t this make Featured Collections section just an extended Featured Models page?

Also I’m really struggling to see how collections will be selected to be featured, such that it brings benefits beyond another listing feature that hardly changes :sweat_smile:.

Will it be selected by MW curators? Or the collections with the most followers? Or collections with the best optimized tags and descriptions?

Why not use the For You setup that is already there?

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It would be amazing if users’ collections were featured as well. That’s easy actual MakerWorld users could make collections. There’s could be a points reward for when someone is featured, which would be an incentive for users to curate quality collections. Users who print some/all of the models in the collection and make a specific thumbnail for it could have priority. Also making sure that lots of different designers are being featured, with small designers as well. Most of the current collections have models with well over 10k downloads, but there’s thousands of other awesome models I’ve seen that are nowhere near that. Overall I think collections are an awesome idea!

That would be great, but how do we know that? :slight_smile:

We are designing a community feature that allows both creators and users to post content, such as inviting a vote, promoting your new model, publishing Makes, starting a topic, etc. Exclusive post for users who boost you will also be in our consideration.


Oooh I love these! Thanks for the update @Tanklet !