Hello @MakerWorld are you planning to add some merchandise like T-Shirt, Caps and more to the store?
I’d love to wear a MakerWorld/BambuLab stuff
Hello @MakerWorld are you planning to add some merchandise like T-Shirt, Caps and more to the store?
I’d love to wear a MakerWorld/BambuLab stuff
Love that idea (25 characters)
That’s an excellent idea. They could also take a page from the Printables playbook and add some of the merch to what you can use your Makerworld points on.
Earlier this year there was a topic about this, and I went to redbubble and set up some of the BBL logos with zero margin so people could buy shirts on their own for cheap - I was savaged hard for it, not by Bambu but by others on the forum lol. I took them all down. Redbubble is used by a lot of fandoms to buy merch that’s not licensed, but many felt that it was stealing BBL IP, I didn’t want to make waves so I deleted them, but about 20 people made t-shirts, so if you see anyone at a Rep Rap with X1C schematic shirts, thats where they got em lol.
Also - sorry to everyone who didn’t like that.
Bambu Lab, please make us the merch!
I would love a hat that has the colours switched. Green hat, white logo, no words. Something like Prusa’s orange hat with the white hexagon.
I’d do a hat like pictured, except black with that logo and white lettering
And socks ( 25 caracters)
Please Would buy !!
I want a shirt that says
“I lost my ethics at Makerworld”
Medium, black with white letters.
Actually I have a better idea.
I want a shirt that says “A.I. made this.”
I feel like a lot of people have already seen this, but for those who don’t visit reddit, a guy by the name of Mike_2na posted an awesome how-to (video in comments) on bleach printing if you really want your own Bambu Lab shirt.
Yessss! I would buy lots of merch! Or also like some sort of hat base that you could customize with MakerLab!