Manage Calibration Results

I have installed the newest Version on BambuStudio ( but the option to manage my Flow Dynamics Calibration results are missing:

There should be 2 additional buttons for Automatic calibration (can’t use that because i am owning a P1S) and a manage result tab.
(see picture from Bambu Studio release notes)

Additionally i am missing the feature where i can preselect the K-Value direclty on the ams:

i have searched the wiki and there is no mentioning of these features beeing exclusive to the X1 or the A1. Or at least i didn’t find any.

Why am i asking? I had an manual calibrated PETG slotted in the first ams slot. Switched it for an Bambu Green PLA and didn’t payed attention to the k-value. It seems that it used the same k-value as for the PETG which resulted in a very bad printing quality. Took me a while to figure out the problem (Dryed the filament and so on). Basically i found out, that the k-values are not updated when switching between filaments. It stays on the previously inserted value. I can’t really remember if it was like this on the prevous version but i never had any issues up till now. But it’s the same behaviour on Orca Slicer.

So any input is highly appreciated :smiley:

almonst same post with more replies here :V1.9.1 Where is the manual K factor management panel ?! - #18 by Henlor