Hi Im new to both Babu Lab Printer and this forum, so please forgive me if Im in the wrong place.
I have had my P1S for about two weeks and so far, delighted. with it.
but I have noticed that at the beginning of a print, the head goes to the centre, at the back of the printer, the build plate rises and the print head does a little shimmy and hits on the plate, but is it in the right place? it seems to be wearing a spot on the plate and the coating has now worn off in a very small area.(photo attached) as I say Im new to this, so it may be all is as it should be, but it would seem to me as not doing the print head any good, never mind the plate.(not sure if the photo has uploaded, but the mark is midway between the slot and the back of the plate)
This totally normal, intentional, and expected wear caused by cleaning the nozzle tip.
Totally normal thing the printer does. Its part of the check process in the beginning.
Many thanks to both.