Micro Lidar camera is malfunctioning, any other ways to troubleshoot?

I already followed the steps here HMS_0C00_0100_0002_0002: Micro Lidar camera is malfunctioning | Bambu Lab Wiki up to 4. Unplug and then plug in the MC-to-AP cable and contacted support, but I’m waiting to hear back. Is there any other way to troubleshoot this problem while I wait for a response? It sucks that the smart features aren’t working. The build plate detection, first layer analysis, and extrusion analysis always throw warnings/errors.

You said you did the steps, “up to 4.” Did you do step four?

We (work) received an X1C on Wednesday of last week. I brought it home to evaluate it over the weekend. On Saturday, I got the same issue as you, micro lidar is malfunctioning. I was able to resolve it myself this morning. I did steps 2, 3, and the left half of 4 and the issue is now resolved.

I SUSPECT that what fixed it for me was the left half of four. The reason I suspect that is that the only data cable going to the extruder is the USB-C cable. I wouldn’t expect the printer to be working at all if the USB-C cable was the problem. Happy for someone else to chime in and correct me though.

Left half of 4 was pretty easy. At the front, top, left, inside corner of the printer is a plastic cover. That pops open and exposes some cabling. That’s where you’ll find the other end of the USB-C cable and the left half of step 4.

The right half of step 4 is inside of the printer. You have to remove the back cover. I didn’t go that far, but I did read that if you remove the back cover, you have to be careful as it is easy to damage some tensioners back there.

Note: I mention “left half of 4” several times. When I say that, I am referring to step 4 of the linked wiki, the left half of the picture. https://wiki.bambulab.com/x1/troubleshooting/hmscode/microlidar/mc-to-ap-8pin-cable.jpg

I did both halves of step 4. Replugged it both on the print head and the chassis

The only other thing I could think of while I was trying to resolve the issue was maybe the camera lens is dirty. I never did clean it though as reseating the cables fixed it. As far as what could have made it dirty? My best guess was that it was hairspray from the print surface, but I always sprayed it outside of the room with the printer.


It looks like the actual lidar is recessed in the housing so there wasn’t an easy way to clean the lens. I believe I can see the laser being projected so I doubt it’s dirty, I used the provided gluestick anyway, no spray products. It seems there’s some other issue with it or maybe with the control board. The warnings/error messages aren’t precise enough to be helpful.

Did you ever get this resolved? Having the same issue.

Yea, replacing the USB-C cable fixed it for me. Seems the data connection was loose or something because it would sporadically reset the micro-lidar, and a new cable fixed it.

Thanks. Just swapped my USB-C cable today and same issue, although it says it is offline (was saying this before cable was replaced as well after the malfunction code).

Just as another data point, a replacement micro lidar camera was sent to me and I installed it - still having the same issue and reached out to see what is next…

Did you end up getting that fixed? I have been dealing with this issue for the past 4 days, first time around reseating the cables at the AP board worked, but thst was for 1 print after that i keep getting error, did what wiki says step by step twice and nothing is working, created ticked with bambu still waiting for response

This ended up being my TH board. They sent me the newer (V9) board to replace my existing (V8), which fixed my issue.

okay, good to know at least they got you sorted out, did you have to replace other parts prior and do try and error until they sent you TH board? or were they able to determine it was TH board from your log right away?

No fix here for us yet. We replaced lidar module and TH board one at a time with no fix. Next thought was a factory reset to try out. Waiting to hear back from BL for next steps.

Factory reset did not work.

did you fixed it? got the same problem…

For me it was the usb cable that connects the data. Others have reported replacing their TH board fixed it. I would contact bambu customer support if you haven’t.

We had replaced the Camera/Lidar and TH Board with no luck, they then sent out an AP board and USB cable. We replaced the usb cable first and that fixed the issue. My conclusion is that it was the cable the whole time, though the Camera/Lidar unit from the factory had crushed cables that may of eventually led to future issues. I didn’t think of this until after reassembly, but i would have tested the new cable on my computer to see if it provided power or communications so that I could compare to the bad one, but the bad one doe snot provide power or communications on my laptop as a testing subject. unknown if that is the nature of the cable or signs of a bad cable, being that it is a custom cable made for Bambu Lab.

I have the same problem. I have submitted the issue on a ticket, was told to do the unplug/replug USB cable. That did not fix. Then I get a reply asking if there are other errors - no, there are not, if there were I would have submitted those. They also asked for a video, so I recorded a print starting with my phone and submitted it - still the same error. I have not heard back from Bambu. So I have an X1C that can’t utilize the Lidar. Not what I paid for.

I am afraid you may be in for a longer game of ping-pong with support. In my case, I could still see the laser lines through the camera. But they were measuring just beside the calibration sticker.
=> cable replacement
=> Lidar replacement
=> just before the TH board replacement (a bit of a boss fight but seems to have worked for others), the mainboard blew
=> replacement printer

I guess I am “pre cable replacement”. They haven’t sent me a new cable yet. Thankfully I have another X1C that actually works. My malfunctioning one is the newer of the 2.

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