Micro Z Banding

I wonder if there is a mechanical issue with my z achsis, or if this amount of rhythmic lines is normal for this machine.
My z achsis is perfectly clean, no wobble and lubed as intended.

Anyone discovered the same amount of lines in z direction?

Looks like normal layer lines in Z-direction.

You need to zoom in on the picture, it is really hard to capture the problem. I got micro z banding perfectly spaced 2mm as the z achsis rods threads.
Flow and k is perfectly calibrated, the seam is flawless. This problem is there even with vase mode or more than one wall.

I zoomed in and sorry to say a white part with a flashlight illuminating the scene really isn’t a good way to show some minute details, furthermore the background information from your side in regards the part, material, settings you tried to resolve the issue etc. are really overwhelming my think tank.
so with this in mind my recommendation to you is go in your slicer and in the preview window scroll through the layers and look for repeating occurrences in the layers that line up with your appearance issue.

Thank you for taking the time to investigate.
That picture make it more clear:

I just make a cube in bambu studio with one wall thicknes, even tried with cylinder and vase mode.
The lines are perfectly spaced like the threads.
My filament is very fine calibrated even tried with other filaments. The seam looks perfect so it’s nö pressure advance problem, no flow problem eather. Ive done the belt tensioning procedure for x and y achsis, changed the nozzle and even cleaned the z rods and lubed them.
I wonder if that is the mechanical limitation of the printer, or a hardware issue.

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Try cleaning the carbon rods with isopropyl alcohol

Ive done that, but i do not think it’s the X or y achsis, as the spacing is so perfect and correspond to the spacing of the y rods threads

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Is there a solution to this? My prints are very clean, seams looking perfect. But there is that perfectly spaced z banding issue…
Is that the mechanical limitation of the printer or an mechanical issue?

The belts get loose from time to time and cause banding like this, but yours doesn’t even look bad. For anyone with banding issues on a P1/X1 try retensioning your belts. My 2 month old P1S with 1000 hours ended up having severe banding on every print and retensioning my belts fixed it.

Ive gone through xy belt tensioning procedure, eev lubed the idler Pullis with a small siringe and one deop of 5004 as Bambu recommend. Do you talk about the y axis belt, because the problem is definitly accordingly to z achsis as the lines are perfectly spaced like the threads in the rods

I see, the issue with the Z axis is usually the rods being damaged but I am not sure how this would happen so uniformly, maybe just a mechanical limitation like you stated and not damage.

Are there any other pefectionists noticed this kind of subtile z lines and know more about the issue causing this?

Ive tried with 0.16 LH, the lines are again perfectly spaced from top to bottom but with 1.2mm spacing in between.
Next i will try disable retract on layer change

so that pretty much removes the Z-Axis hardware, also note that the the lead screw of the z-axis is with a pitch of approx. 9mm.
As mentioned before check if the slicer does something at that spacing for either layer height including looking for possible z-height compensation there. If so you may try to use “precise Z-height” under quality settings and see if that changes the outcome.

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You might need to check the extruder