Missing discount voucher?

I also haven’t not received the discount code 2 weeks after the bed replacement and the acknowledgment of the procedure. Nobody replies to support tickets. It is really sad…

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I submitted my photos showing everything needed when I did the bed replacement, that was over 2 weeks ago and I have not heard anything from Bambu, I checked the ticket this morning and it still says “processing”.

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I replace bed, send photos and the same day they contact me that everything is OK and in 2 days they send me discount code.

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No such luck for me I guess you got lucky as there are a lot of people still waiting after weeks

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I finally got my voucher yesterday.
But why do Bambu Lab announce that we will get the voucher after to working days, when I have waited 16 days?

Also it depends which region are you from. Im from EU.

Me too but I don’t think that is an issue! :wink:

So thats wierd. I hope that you get your voucher as soon as possible :+1:

I am from Australia and not sure if anyone here has received their discount code or not,

Ive been waiting 25 days now as well. NO vouchers to be seen, I have 3 X A1 printers and run a print farm with X1C printers as well. I need to buy more printers and was planning to buy more X1C printers and I told Bambu this in my emails to them multiple times as king for a response, but waiting on vouchers. But honestly this is getting beyond ridiculous now. 6 days ago I receive a message from them finally that they will send the vouchers shortly and 6 days later still no vouchers. So much for 2 bunsiness days from the time we send in the photos. Absolute Joke Bambu how can you treat customers like this. It literally takes 1 minute to check photos and then send the voucher code. I love my Bambu printers but the support side will make me move to other products and I am sure many other people will as well.


Just giving my exerience. I did the bed replacement on 04/15, sent photos the same day. I finally got a response and my discount voucher on 05/14. So it took a full month. I was getting frustrated as well, but there are limited ways of communicating with Bambu Labs over this. So I think we are just stuck with a very slow response.

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Time passes…nothing happens.

Adding my experience. 12 days after sending in the pictures they answered that my voucher would arrive within 2 days.
3 hours later I had the voucher, a couple of hours later I ordered an AMS lite, and 4 days later the AMS lite arrived.

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Ditto. It’s been a month on my end

Installed heat bed and transmitted photos via ticket on April 27 2024. As of today, no response and no voucher. This sort of ■■■■ will not fly. Calling out the legal dogs now.

Received my voucher the other day. Already spent on filament and nozzles lol


There was a fair bit more the story of the demise of Gateway than just poor reputation and although that started to decline in the early 1990s it took a full 15 years for them to fall far enough to close all their stores and end up being acquired by Acer for a fraction of what they had been worth at their peak. Rapid expansion is what initially go them in trouble.

More than one month past and still no voucher. :rage: I received this mail on 2024-05-14 Okay, 2 business days! There are probably a few more so far