Missing wall loops

I have a STL file (with all kinds of issues) but it prints fine at scale (length of print bed), but when I scale it up in Bambu Studio it has a bunch of issues with missing outer walls? It doesn’t seem to be an issue with the model itself, because the missing walls change location depending on how I rotate the model. I’ve messed with loads of settings, wall thickness, detect thin wall, and spent hours on forums and I’m stumped. Any help would be hugely appreciated.

I’ve experienced this first hand.

I hate to break it to you, but the model is the most likely thing at fault. Unfortunately, when dealing with models that have complicated organic shapes, scaling causes the slicer to re-mesh the model, requiring it to recalculate the placement of the vertices. With models that follow geometric shapes, this works well most of the time, but with organic models, it often breaks down, leading to algorithm-induced errors which show up as undesirable layer artifacts as shown in your screengrab.

When this happened to me, what eventually worked was scaling the model, exporting it as an STL, and using trial-and-error online converters from STL to OBJ and back. This process helped to “heal” the mesh properly.

I tried this technique on a print that took me weeks to perfect. What finally worked was scaling it to a size way too large for the plate, think in the realm of 1,000mm – then importing it into Windows 3D Builder and using the native “reduce faces” feature to lower the number of vertices. Afterward, I imported it back into the slicer and reduced it there.

TIP: Bambu Studio Windows edition doesn’t have it’s own STL mesh manipulator, it uses the Windows 3D Builder libraries. So sometimes using 3D Builder directly, will give you greater control than what the slicer allows.

This took weeks of trial and error. But I eventually got it to print correctly.

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Thank you so much Olias for your help! I was able to go back into Nomad sculpt, enlarge the model, remesh and export a fixed file that I was able to print!

Thanks again!