Model warping

I had someone who printed one of my models on their A1 Mini reach out to me. They said that the print was warping. It was printed in a room temperature environment in matte PLA. They were using the textured PEI gold plate. What could be the cause of this?

We would need far more information than that.

  • Which model?
  • A photo
  • Which parts are warping?
  • What are your 3mf settings?
  • Have you tested with matte PLA?

Those are just the start.

1: It was this model.
2: Don’t have a photo.
3: It’s all one piece
4: All default settings for 0.08mm layer height
5: I did a multicolor with about 75% being matte PLA and had 0 warping even though it took 3 days.

  • I am guessing now, but, did the warping appear at the sharp edges of the 90Âş corners?

    If so, mouse ears (new toolbar option) positioned at each corner can help mitigate the risk.

  • Which print did they use and which printer did you use?

  • Does their printer have a draft near it?

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They used an a1 Mini, I used a P1S.
Not 100% sure about the draft but they stated that their room was a regular temp and not cold.

During the summer I leave the door open on my P1S when printing with PLA. I do this because it affects the ability of the material to stick to the bed during printing.

During the winter I close the door for the same reason.

Heat can affect things, as can drafts, whether the person perceives them or not.

There are some prints I will do on my P1S because doing it on my A1 mini is more liable to failure.

However, you provided an answer I guessed earlier when I asked about the different printers.

Your model appears to be very close to the edges of the A1 mini, this means it is at the extreme edge of the A1 mini heating element. The further away from the centre you get, the less warm it is. It is not currently possible to have 100% heat coverage to the edges.

I suspect this has played a part. The edges are cooler than the main body, the main body has far more mass and keeps itself much warmer in the centre than the edge.

Your choices are:

  • Increase the overall temperature for an A1 mini-specific profile and hope it doesn’t melt in the middle. (disable support for the A1 mini from the main profile)
  • Add mouse ears to the sharp corners
  • Worst case, a full brim
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Thank you, when I try to add mouse ears they disappear as soon as I click on something else, how can I get them to stay?

You didn’t read the warning on the dialogue box.

Warning: The brim type is not set to “painted”, the brim ears will not take effect!

If you select the green message, it will set the property for you.

Set the brim type to “painted”

Welcome to mouse ears.

Screenshot 2025-01-10 at 01.31.32

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hi I have the same problem and painted is selected and my ears still won’t show in preview or print.
what am i doing wrong
Please help