With models I print, I sometimes use petg interface between pla parts to keep the quality.
However there are parts of the model, where I don’t really care about overhang quality and I would not mind if regular pla been used in those parts (this reducing time and waste considerably).
What I would thought would be a great feature to have is ability to set a modifier that lets you force interface material and z-distance settings so I could set a space where supports are printed with one material, and rest of the model printed with support using other interface material.
Green part would be printed with PLA supports, PLA interface, default Top-Z distance.
Purple part would be printed with PLA supports, PETG interface, 0 Top-Z distance
This would be a good feature.
For now, the only solution I can conceive is to slice twice the model and then manually (copy-paste) or, using the postscript feature, join the G-code files, deleting the unwanted parts.
Hi there!
Any solution found meanwhile?
I have a Model with only one tiny part that needed different interface filament, and the bulk of supports works fine with standard.
Printing everything with support matarial would cost immense time and material. Printing everything in PLA/Standard material makes one important part look not perfect.
A dilema …
A good solution, prefered via modifiers, would be hugely apreciated!
Best regards
I need this function so badly. Any updates on this? I have a part that needs PVA support in the bottom half of the print but then needs PLA support in the top half. The print time is absolutely insane (about 2 days) were it would only be about 18 hours with this feature